Tuesday, July 09, 2024

So Shines A Good Deed

 Only I didn't do one.  A good deed, I mean.  I just like the way it sounds when Willy Wonka says it.  The Gene Wilder version, not the Johnny Depp version which I have never seen. 

What I did do was to sell one of my old aquariums.  I was cruising Facebook yesterday evening checking on hurricane damage in my hometown and surrounding area when I saw a post in one of the local groups.  A girl was looking for a tank for her bearded dragon.  I messaged her and told her I had an old 40 gallon, and quoted her a price. 

She said she'd take it, and offered me an extra $10 to bring it to her, so right after work that's exactly what I did.  We ran into a little snag when I couldn't remember my Paypal password, so we had to use CashApp.  I'd downloaded it last year, but had never used it, so it was actually her friend who took both of our phones and did the transaction for us.  

I'm such a Luddite.  And a Boomer at that.  I'm a Boom-a-Ludd!  

Don't ask.  Even I don't know...

Nevertheless, the money changed hands -- or phones, rather -- and the girl's bearded dragon will soon have a roomy new home.  

Since I had to drive through the lake to deliver the tank, I stopped and dropped off a Pokemon in a gym at the basketball courts.  Apparently, I'm on Team Mystic, so I can just put one into a gym controlled by my team without having to battle anything, which is good.  I'm still figuring out this whole gym thing, but apparently you have to put Pokemon into them to earn coins -- or else spend real money, which isn't going to happen. 

Oh, and for those of you who may be wondering, no I didn't drive literally through the lake.  That's just a local colloquialism for driving though the area controlled and maintained by the Corps Of Engineers.  

And finally, this is Shark Week, and I've been so busy these last couple of days, I've hardly been able to watch any episodes, so I think I'll get off here and do just that. 



Amnicon Studio said...

I admit, I LOL'ed when I saw your bit about driving through the lake.

I bet it's nice to get rid of something that big, and get a bit of coin for it.

Becky G said...

It was! The tank had been in the storage shed for nearly a year, so I'm glad someone is getting good use out of it.