Sunday, July 14, 2024

How On Earth

How on Earth did my day off go by so fast?  And more importantly, why can't work days go by this fast?

It all started yesterday evening when I was mowing and I thought to myself, "Boy I'll bet all this walking is using up all my blood sugar."  Then when I got up this morning and checked, my fasting glucose was 87.  In other words, normal.  

Exercise, then.  Exercise is the key to keeping it low.  I have to start getting more of that exercise stuff.  The problem is, after a 10 hour shift and in this summer heat, I just don't want to go walking or anything.   However, I think I might have found myself a motivator.  

I have discovered Pokemon Go Routes.  There are a few out by the lake, so this morning before it got too hot, I drove out there with the intention of walking one, and putting a few more of my Pokemon into gymns while I was there.  Neither of those went as planned.

Apparently, Sunday mornings are raid days here in the ol' G-Town.  Every single gym I drove by had a raid going on.  I only managed to slip one single Pokemon into one just at the last minute before the raid started.  Now, I have no idea what raids are or how to do them.  I'm only just figuring all the stuff going on with this game. 

Even so, I went to the route I wanted to walk...only I couldn't figure out how to start it in the app.   I walked it anyway, so I got the exercise, but it didn't count towards a route badge.  I did find a few new Pokemon to add to my Pokedex, though, so it wasn't a total loss.   By the way, I came home and looked up on YouTube how to start a route, so next time, I'll be ready. 

Then I took a shower, and watched TV for the rest of my day of rest.   Oh, and there was also knitting.

The only other thing I did today was to get my tabasco peppers started fermenting. 

The problem with that was, all the recipes I found called for either a pound of tabasco peppers, which I don't have anywhere near that many, or five ounces of peppers.  Five ounces?  How the heck many is that?  I had no idea, so I just cut up what I had -- well, what was ripe that is.  

Then there were the recipes themselves.  Some said to ferment them in water, then add the vinegar mix later.  Others said to ferment them in vinegar.  Some called for apple cider vinegar -- which I was going to do, but didn't have that much left -- and others called for white wine vinegar, or rice vinegar or some other such stuff.  

I ended up just winging it.  I cut up what I had, put them into a jar, and added salt and vinegar.   I even bought sea salt for the occasion.  

I figure after the fermenting process, I'll just puree the peppers then add back the vinegar until it seems the right consistency.  I don't know.  Cody is the pepper person. I don't think I'm going to fool with tabasco peppers next year. 

Oh, and those peppercorns are for when I pickle the jalapeno peppers.  I seem to remember at least one recipe called for them.  Even if not, I'll have them on hand for when I get some more banana peppers ready to be pickled. 

And lastly, I finished reading Reached, by Ally Condie.  It was one of the better Y.A. dystopian series I've read.   The author did a much better job of developing the characters than so many of them to these days.  Now I'm reading the third book in the Wembrel House series, by Charlie N. Holmberg, The Boy Of Chaotic Making. 

They finally put it on Kindle Daily deal, so I snapped it up.  This is another series I'm thoroughly enjoying.  It's historical fantasy/ghost story type of thing.  

I'd highly recommend it, if you're into that sort of thing.  

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