Wednesday, July 03, 2024

I'm Free!

 I'm free!  I'm free!

Until Monday, at least, and I know it will go by so fast...

I don't really plan on doing anything -- well, except for pickling the sweet banana peppers I've already picked, if I can find some mustard seed.  Walmart didn't have any when I went yesterday.  I was going to go by a locally owned grocery store, Grocery Basket, after work today, but I was so hot and so tired I decided it could wait until Friday.  I'm even considering going up to Batesville, because sometimes their Walmart carries stuff ours doesn't.  Eh, we'll see. 

 So, I knew what kind of day it was going to be today even before the day started.  I was up way too early as usual, and had started getting ready for work.  I checked my blood sugar, and that's where the fun began.  See, my meter connects by Bluetooth to an app on my phone, so I had opened the app then went into my bathroom to check my sugar.  About that same time, I saw the cat walking into my bedroom -- where the phone was still on the charger.  When the app received the reading from the meter, it lets out some sort of little cartoony sounding laugh, and in my sleep deprived state, I ran into the bedroom accusing the cat of bringing in a mouse -- even knowing she hadn't been outside. 

Don't ask.  I've long since given up trying to find an explanation for such things. 

Speaking of, my fasting glucose was below 100 again, so I'm pretty happy about that.  I'd started eating my oatmeal breakfasts again, and it doesn't seem to have any negative effect, so I'm going to keep on eating it.  I'm sure chugging all that water to keep from dying of heat stroke at work is also helping.  It sure isn't hurting. 

In work news, this morning I called Uncle Supervisor over and we had a little chat.  I showed him how jacked up the adapter tubes were on the order I was working on, and said, "We have two options.  We can scrap all 144 of these parts and re-order them, and if we do that, chances are the replacements will be just like this.  Or we can stand here and beat them into place with a hammer, which really slows us down."  We talked about a few more issues, and I mentioned that for some reason, the people over in tubing can't seem to set up by looking at a blueprint.  We have to set the order up in a brazing jig and take it over to them so they can see what adjustments they need to make.  I said, "When we're over there doing that, we're not here brazing, and we've got supervisors yelling at us for not getting our numbers, but what are we supposed to do?"  He replied that he thought Group Leader Shark did that, and I said, "No, WE do it."  We conversed a bit more and I said, "You've got to help us out, here.  Please help us out!"  

I doubt it'll do any good, but as I told Uncle Supervisor, "I just want to feel like I'm being heard."  

And finally, last November, my sister ordered a Christmas gift for her daughter-in-law, but since that company didn't ship to Alaska, she had them send it to me.  Well, the delivery date kept getting delayed, and finally she got a message saying the item was probably lost.  She was disappointed, of course, but was able to get a refund. 

Well, look at what showed up in my mailbox today.

They definitely took a long winter's nap on their way here.  Oh well.  They're here now and will soon be on their way to Alaska and my sister's daughter in law can walk around on my nephew's face.  

That's about all I have for today, so I will leave you to it, while I go to bed.  

Goodnight, all. 

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