Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gymnastics And Heat.

It's been rough, today.  All kinds of rough.

It started when I stayed up late Monday night to watch Clark Kent turn into Superman and win the bronze medal for the men's gymnastics team.  Then last night when I stayed up to watch The GOAT Simone Biles and the women win the gold. 

And by "stayed up" I mean,  I was laying in bed watching on my Kindle.  I'll admit I kind of dozed off a few times, but managed to catch at least all of the US women's routines.  And they did show all of them, unlike with the men when they just showed a few.  You know, someone mentioned that men's gymnastics isn't that popular.  Well, maybe it would be if NBC would know, show it. 

Still, I regret nothing.  The men's team was absolutely lit, and Simone...well, she was Simone, and we all felt a little like Snoop Dogg watching her.

Speaking of Snoop Dogg, they did random drug tests out at the plant this afternoon and I know they got at least two people.  Then they had a meeting telling us all that since somebody got shot out in the town, people can no longer bring their lunch bags to the assembly lines.  I asked the HR lady specifically if the clear bag policy meant we can't bring our personal coolers into the plant any more, and she said we could put them into our lockers.  I said, "What about the ones who don't have lockers?"  She said, "Well, they can't bring them to the lines."  But what are they supposed to do, then?  

It's bad enough that we can't bring our insulated cups, but now we can't even have a small cooler of ice to keep a bottle of water or Gatorade in?  And they can't figure out why no one wants to work there...

As if that weren't enough, three were three brazers out today.  Well, technically four, because they never replaced the one who quit a month or so ago.  Then two more left at 9:00 AM.  So that leaves us with 6 brazers -- or 50% manning.  Did they send us any help?  No.

Did they cut us some slack knowing we were very shorthanded and stayed off our butts about not having headers?  Also no.  

Every time I turned around, one of the supervisors was up there looking for some headers.  We did the best we could, but you can't get 100% work out of 50% manpower.  They don't get that, though.  I guess they think if they yell and scream enough, we'll somehow miraculously pull completed headers out of thin air.  

Then Group Leader Shark came around and told some of us to come in at 4:00 tomorrow, so maybe we can catch up.  What gets me is how in the world is counting their parts not a job requirement in tubing?  They say it isn't, and never has been.  Why in the world would they not be required to count?  Or check to see if they're correct, for that matter.  But apparently, neither one is required based on how many times we brazers have to re-order stuff because we didn't have enough parts, or they weren't done right.  

But look!  They filed down those screws that were sticking through the bathroom partition in that one stall.  

In other news, it's the last day of July, and after the little break we had last week, summer is back in full force. But there is hope on the horizon.  

Candy corn hit the stores this week, and there will be football on the TV tomorrow.  

Oh, and I almost forgot.  The fence guy finally called me back.  He apologized for the delay, and is coming out tomorrow afternoon to give me an estimate.  Woo Hoo!

Now, I'd better get to bed.  Goodnight. 

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