Saturday, July 13, 2024


I am sure you will all be pleased to know I made it to work this morning with my driver's license and debit card safely in my pocket.  So after what felt like an interminable day at work, I went to Walmart and did the shopping I didn't do yesterday.  

Walmart, as expected, was an absolute madhouse, but I made it through and came on home.  It was while I was in line, having already loaded my stuff onto the conveyor that I realized I'd forgotten to get extra jalapenos.   Oh, well...I'll start fermenting what I have and get some next week.  I did find the peppercorns I needed for my banana pepper pickles that I made last week -- without the peppercorns because I didn't want to make an extra trip into town to get them. 

So, I come on home, do three loads of laundry, and as if that weren't enough after a 9 hour shift in the factory, I decided to mow.  I'm telling ya, it's been so dry here, and the mower kicked up so much dust I must have swallowed at least a pound of it.  But at least I got it done and don't have that chore hanging over my head for the rest of the weekend.  

And by rest of the weekend, I mean Sunday. 

Speaking of peppers, I got three of my cayenne peppers strung and hung up to start drying.  

And I got a good bit of seeds out of the remnants of the sunflower I cut yesterday. 

 I need to get something onto the rest of them to protect them until their seeds develop.  Maybe I'll get to that tomorrow. 

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