Monday, July 08, 2024

Back To Work

Unfortunately, no I don't.  As they say, all good things must come to an end, and my long weekend was no exception.  It was back to work today and boy, I sure didn't want to go, but somebody has to pay the bills around here, so out of bed I got and off to work I went. 

Shortly before 9:00 AM, I bumped into Safety Guy, and since the opportunity had presented itself, I asked him if they were going to be handing out Gatorade this year.  He said, "No, but I've ordered some sticks."  

Sticks?  It took me a minute, but I figured out that he meant popsicles.  That means I'll have to change my call-up song from MARLIN WITH THE GATORADE to Paaaahhhsickles!  No matter.  They both work. 

I replied, "Good, because it's 96° in my work area!"  Except that it wasn't today, because it was cloudy all day.  It only got up to 92°.

Anyway, Safety Guy said, "Oh, I know.  I've been monitoring it."  Then he told me that only three of the A/C units in the front of the plant were working.  He'd had two different companies out here working on them,  and "Honestly, I don't think there's anyone in the area that knows how to work on something this big."  But he'd put in a call to a consultant from -- I don't remember where he said the guy was from, but they're affiliated with Lennox.  He ought to know what to do, because all our units are Lennox units.

"That's not a very good sales pitch!"  I said.  

He kind of laughed, and replied, "No, it's not."  Then he had to go to a meeting and I had to go check on the hurricane, which made landfall about the time I was getting to work this morning.   

Ain't that just my luck?  A hurricane is making landfall and I'm stuck at work.  *Pout*

I had several of my SETX -- that's SETX, not sext-- friends keeping me updated, and so far, all of them are OK.  I know a couple who have lost electricity, but for the most part, they are good.   

The storm has already moved past them, and we're possibly going to get some rain from it tomorrow.  We could use it.  We're not in drought conditions just yet, but we're getting there.  

In other news, I cast on a new hat yesterday.  

 In other other news, I had to run into town after work to pay a couple of bills and mail my sister's socks to her.  Now it's nearly bed time and I haven't even eaten anything this evening.  If you'll excuse me, I need to rectify both of those things. 

Right after I make a little extra donation to Texas Baptist Men.  


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

The long weekend was SO nice. I, too, was bummed to have to go back to work.