Monday, July 01, 2024

I Meant To Blog

I meant to blog yesterday.  Really, I did.  I'd even planned on doing a vlog, but you know what they say about best laid plans. 

It all started when I decided to mow before it got too hot.  I didn't make it.   

I only mowed the front and side yards, but by the time I finished the heat index was 106, and my arms and legs were jelly.  I put the mower away, came inside, and chugged three glasses of water.  Then I took a shower and sat in front of the TV for the rest of my supposed day of rest. 

Oh, and I should probably mention that I had to fix the lawnmower again before I even started.  The thing that turns when you pull the rope had slipped out of place, so I had to take the cover off and re-seat it.  It wasn't too difficult to do, just frustrating.  And I should also mention that I lost one of the bolts and muttered, "I'm about to say a few unwholesome words..."  I never did find that bolt, and the unwholesome words stayed in my mind, but the lawnmower started just fine, so I'm not going to worry too much about it. 

Anyway, I'd planned on doing a quick vlog after mowing I was drenched in sweat, so I didn't.  You get still photos instead.  Probably the biggest thing is that I cut the Cilantro completely back.  

I left a little bit of the stems to see if it would come back, and if so, maybe I could keep up with it this time.  I also saved the seeds, and am going to google what to do with them.  By the way, the granules in that photo are some Repels-All.  Something has been getting into my beds and digging holes.  So far, whatever it is hasn't actually dug anything up, but why take chances?  

I was also going to talk about my big sunflowers -- two of which have started to wilt already.  

The third one is behind Old Glory, and it was the first to bloom and the most wilted.  I think these are the ones that make the good eating seeds.  To bad I'm not big on sunflower seeds...I may try to save them and send them to Nate and Grace for Christmas.  Hmmm....

And this, the last one to germinate, has finally bloomed. 

It's pretty, but I prefer the yellow ones to the red ones.  

In other news, the cat came in gimping yesterday morning.  I checked her over as well as I could -- or as well as she would let me, rather-- and didn't see any signs of obvious injury, so I just left her alone to sleep it off. Which is pretty much all she did all day long.  She seems to be feeling much better today, so it appears a trip to the vet won't be necessary.   

I reckon she got into a fight with one of the strays around here, though I would have thought she'd have more wounds if that were so.  I just hope she didn't try to jump that racoon.  That thing would tear her up.  

On the weather front, hurricane Beryl is now a Category 4 -- and possibly even Category 5 storm.  

She is headed for the Gulf, but is currently forecast to make landfall in Mexico.  Still, it might be wise to dig out the old Jim Cantore Repellent candle -- just in case.   This would be the first time since 2021 I've had to light it.  In the meantime, Tropical Storm Chris formed and dissipated and no one even noticed.  Poor Chris...

And finally, there has been knitting.   I've been making progress on the Seaman's Scarf, but grew tired of working on it. 

So, naturally, I cast on another hat.   

I got this much knit while watching the season 4 finale of The Chosen.  And if you'll excuse me, I think I'll knit some more before I go to bed. 


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Your sunflowers are beautiful!

I'm reading out of order and saw your kitteh is feeling better.