Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Dang It!

Dang it!  The birds and or squirrels got two more of my sunflowers!  The one on the right has been completely picked clean, but there's still quite a few in the one on the left. 

I'll let it dry until tomorrow, the pick the seeds out.  I was hoping to use them as Christmas gifts, but now I'm not sure there will be enough for what I had planned.  I can still give them, I'll just have to limit who I give them to.   Definitely my nephew and his wife, and maybe my sister.  I'll have to figure out how to roast them, but that should be easy enough, and I want to save some to plant next year.  

As a precaution, I tied Walmart sacks around the other two.  

I hope that will be enought of a deterrent to the critters until I can harvest them.  

In other news, they haven't cleared any more of the woods behind the house.  

I don't know if they're just taking a break, or if they plan on leaving a little tree line back there.  I'm hoping the latter -- at least until I can finish getting the yard fenced.  The doe and her fawn are still hanging around for now, but I haven't seen any of the other deer.  I kind of expect them to move on, too, once the baby is a little older. 

One silver lining coming out of all of this is that the cat seems more content to stay inside the house -- at least while the heavy equipment is out there.  The less roaming she does, the fewer ticks she drags into my house.  And I do keep Frontline on her, but that doesn't seem to stop them from hitching a ride on her fur. 

Speaking of roaming, I was going to drive out to the lake after work and try to walk one of the Pokemon Go routes, but decided it was still too hot.  That cold front is supposed to come through during the night tonight, so maybe tomorrow it'll be cool enough.   I want to see if there are any other friendly gyms out there, too.  Last time I went, they were all held by rival teams, and I didn't really want to fight...although the way to earn coins is to get your Pokemon kicked out of the gyms, and there isn't any benefit for leaving them in longer.  Go figure...I've got one that's been in a gym for 8 days.  I reckon I ought to stop feeding him, since the most coins you can get are 50 no matter how long you leave them there.  

And finally, I discovered yesterday that the free audiobook site is still up and running, and that they have books in French.  And lots of other languages, too, so if you're trying to learn, that might be a good resource for you.  

In fact, I think I'm going to go figure out how to listen to one on my Kindle.  

Bonne nuit.  

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