Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prime Day And Birthdays

Happy Birthday, Onyx!  

And happy birthday to the other snakes, too.  Well, not so much.  Onyx is the only one I actually have a hatch date for, so I've made his birthday the default hatch date for all the others, too.  Onyx, Sunset, and Slider are all 20 years old today, and Blaze is 19.  I was going to try to get photos of all four of them, but only Onyx was out and about.  

OK, moving right along....

Last night while I was laying in bed, I had an idea.  I know some people hang up those disposable aluminum pie pans to chase birds away from their gardens, so I thought I'd give that a try.  Alas, when I woke up this morning, I couldn't find a single one in my cabinet.  I'm pretty sure I'd tossed them all out last summer when I was cleaning out the cabinets.  So, I did the next best thing. 

I got strips of aluminum foil and draped them across the flower.  Like so...

When I got home this afternoon, wonder of wonders, I actually found a pie tin -- in the snake room, of all places. I quickly got it hung and hopefully, it'll do the trick.  

While I was out there, I also noticed that it's time to replace Old Glory, as she's getting a bit ragged. 

On a completely unrelated note, I have no idea why I have Edinburgh in my world clock. 

Honestly, I didn't even know it was there until I accidentally opened said World Clock while trying to see how close it was to quitting time.  

Oh, look!  I did a vlog!  Heh, I had a brief moment of panic when I checked the video and there was no sound.  I couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong.  I'd double checked to make sure the microphone was on, but still....then I remembered I'd turned down the volume on my phone.  

Whew!  It has sound!  I did it right after all!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. 

By the way, my friend Marcy has a blog at Amnicon Studio, and a YouTube Channel by the same name.  Go check her out, if you don't already follow her.  

And here is all my stuff lined up boringly...

And this, which wasn't a Prime Day purchase, but they put it into the same box anyway. 

 By the way, I already tried the salted caramel popcorn protein shake.  It's pretty good.  

But now I need to go get some solid food to go with it.  



Amnicon Studio said...

I said that?! Ha ha ha ha ha! You did so well! You looked very comfortable in front of the camera. I had to laugh at your last line. I must be in a mood! :-)

The nice thing about practicing, though, is if you don't like what you recorded you don't have to load it.

We did very little Prime shopping. The things we were interesting in had the prices jacked up on by Amazon a day or two beforehand and then lowered back to their normal prices. I did get a book on making herbal remedies. I think that was it. The sales just aren't what they used to be, in my opinion.

Becky G said...

I agree about Prime Day deals. The last few years, I haven't really bought anything that I don't normally buy -- like the protein powder. BTW, I did get a good deal on those premixed shakes. I checked at Walmart and they are $25 for a 12 pack, and I got a 24 pack for $20. Other than that, the things I bought were just a few dollars off from what I normally pay for them.

Amnicon Studio said...

My guess is that is what most people are doing now on prime day. That is a pretty great deal on the premixed shakes.