Friday, July 05, 2024

Marty Mac's Moment Of Triumph

Somehow, I ended up with a pretty big infestation of house flies in my kitchen a day or two ago.  I'm not sure where they're coming from, but they sure are annoying.  "Hmmm,"  I thought to myself.  "What can I do get rid of them besides slapping at them with a newspaper?  Wait!  I have a Fly Trap!  A Venus Fly Trap!"

Enter Marty Mac.

I set him on the kitchen windowsill yesterday morning, and by the time I got up today, he'd caught and began consuming six or seven of the little buggers.  I put him back outside and killed a few more of them myself, and that seems to have taken care of the problem.  Mostly...There are still a few flitting around, but nothing I can't handle. 

By the way, don't be concerned about how manky the water looks.  It's just algae and not harmful to the plant.  I clean it out every so often, but in this summer sun, it's not worth worrying about just to keep it clean. 

On a completely unrelated note, look at this!

Do you see that blue thing right up at the top of the screen cap?  Do you know what it is?  Yep, someone has finally put a Pokestop near my house!  It's actually within walking distance, and maybe that will convince me to walk a bit more.  It's kind of weird that it's in a cemetery, but hey, it beats having to drive all the way into town just to spin one.  

Well, I came to the conclusion that my cilantro plant was done for, so when I went into town today, I picked up a sage plant to replace it.  

It is now safely tucked into the raised bed where the cilantro used to be, but I didn't take an after photo.  Eh, you'll get one sooner or later.  I also saw that they had some Black Eyed Susans on clearance, so I picked up the healthiest looking one. 

I'm not sure where I'm going to put it yet.  I'd love to have a stand of them naturalize and maybe even spread to that field behind the fence.  I know deer don't seem to bother the ones that grow wild, so maybe they'll leave these alone.  

By the way, what will probably be the last sunflower has fully bloomed.   

I sure have enjoyed growing these, and will probably save some seeds to plant next year. 

In other news, I'm not sure what's been wrong with me this year, but Independence Day was just like Memorial Day here in the Fine Martial Household in that I just couldn't get into the mood to watch any of my traditional Independence Day Movies, including The Patriot.  The only one I watched was 1776.  I guess it's OK to skip a year, right?  

Even so, I got plenty of knitting done on my latest hat. 

I just found that they've put all 10 seasons of JAG up on Prime, so that's what I'm watching now.  I'd seen season 1, but the rest had to be bought.  Now that they're included, I know what I'll be binging for a while.  

And last, but certainly not least, what with Beryl crossing the Yucatan today and entering the Gulf, I felt it was time to dig the ol' Jim Cantore Repellent candle out.  

Hmmm, maybe I need to get my friend to pour some Reed Timmer The Weather GOAT candles, too...


Amnicon Studio said...

Marty Mac to the rescue!

My son created a mess of pokestops out in our area. I don't know if he's playing much pokemon go. We live so rural that there wasn't much out by us for years. I have an account for myself but I don't open it unless he needs something.

Becky G said...

I live in a pretty rural area, too. Normally I'd have to drive out to the lake or all the way into town to spin Pokestops. This one is right across the highway from a new campground they put in a couple of years ago, so that's probably the reason we got it.

I want to make the plant a pokestop, if I can figure out how. That would be really convenient!

Amnicon Studio said...

I don't know how my son is doing the pokestop creation but he was pretty happy when he learned how to do so.