Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Dang, Again!

Well, dang it again!  I came home from a very long, hot, tiring, frustrating day at work to find...this. 

Something had clawed through the Walmart sack and got my sunflower seeds.  It's got to be either a squirrel or a raccoon, because I don't see a bird doing this much damage just since yesterday.  I've still got about half of the seeds left, but they don't look or taste ripe to me. Yes, I tried one. 

I put what's left of the flower in a vase of water, hoping the seeds will go ahead and ripen, but I don't know.  We'll have to see. Meanwhile, I put some cheesecloth around the last sunflower I have left and soaked it with NEEM oil.  Maybe that will stink enough to keep away whatever keeps getting my seeds.  

I have absolutely no explanation for this, so let's just move along, shall we?

And finally, 

As if everything else going on isn't enough, there was an earthquake in Texas and an eruption in Yellowstone. 

What a time to be alive!  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Squirrels can be SO nasty and destructive. :-( I'm so sorry about your sunflowers.