Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A New Thing

Apparently they're trying this new thing out at don't know what they're trying to do.  Right now, it's only on one line -- as far as I know--, and I don't know if they're going to make it plant wide or not.  

So what is this new thing, you ask?  Well, I'll tell you. 

If the line doesn't meet its production goal by 1:00, they get to go home early.  

Let me say that again for those of you who are as dumfounded as I am.

If the assembly line doesn't meet its production goal by 1:00, they get to go home early.  

They get to go home early. 

Excuse me, what?????

If they don't meet their production goals, they get rewarded by getting off early -- and since they came in at 5:00, they'll still get 8 hours.  Who on Earth thought that that would be a good idea?

If you are going to reward non-productivity, then don't you dare stand there and act all surprised when productivity drops.  What did you think would happen?????

I don't understand that place.  I do not understand that place at all.  


Amnicon Studio said...

I read this and saw the comments on your FB post and I'm still trying to figure this out. It's supposed to be a 10 hour shift and they are being let out after 8 hours if they don't meet the full shift goal?

My guess is they are not being paid for those two hours, right? Otherwise that would be wholly unfair.

So many wonderments ... I can't keep up!'

Becky G said...

OK, let me see if I can clarify. We normally work 8 hour shifts, but during busy season we have to work 9, 10, or sometimes even 12 hour shifts. The assembly lines have a daily production goal they're supposed to meet. For an 8 hour shift, it's 320 units, or an average of 40 units per hour. For a 10 hour shift, it's going to be 400 units -- the same 40 unit per hour goal.

So, for that one line, if they run fewer than their 320 unit goal by the end of the eighth hour, they get to go home. Since we're all hourly employees out there, yes, they'd have to clock out and not get paid for those two overtime hours.

If they run that amount or more, they have to stay until the end of the tenth hour. That happened today. They met their goal and had to stay until 3:00-- or ten hours. I'll bet they don't do that again!

It's all backwards, and doesn't make any sense.

Amnicon Studio said...

Thanks for the clarification.

Wow, I can't believe people are passing up on overtime. Granted, since I dodn't work there I don't know what you all are experiencing and just maybe it's not worth it.

It's crazy sometimes, workplaces and those who are in charge.

Becky G said...

They're still getting overtime, because we're still working 6 days a week. But sometimes, enough is enough. I'm currently working 60 hours per week, and I can assure you, it's exhausting.

Amnicon Studio said...

Damn! :-(. That is a LOT of hours.