Monday, April 29, 2024

There Has Been Knitting

 Lest you think all I did this weekend was piddle in the flower beds, here is proof that there has indeed been knitting. 

I finished this hat.

Then I cast on another with the same yarn. 

I even knit a few rows on this scarf.  

I probably won't do too many of these, though.  I've got to do 14" of garter stitch, followed by 18" of 4X4 rib, and then another 14" of garter stitch.  It's pretty mindless, but then, so are the hats, and I can get so many more of them done in the same amount of time.  

Meanwhile, I'm still adding a row here and there to this scarf.  

I dunno.  I might keep this one for myself.  I give most of my knitted stuff away, so it's kind of nice to make something for me for a change.  

In other news, I got a surprise when I went out and checked on my Cosmos yesterday evening.  You might have to enlarge the photo, but do you see it?  Right there at the top?

Yep!  It's a bud!  There are actually two of them on there, so I'm pretty happy about that.  And look at this: 

Now, I'm not all that familiar with sunflowers, this being the first time I've tried growing them and all, but those look like buds to me!  

Kindly ignore all the ground ivy in the background.  I've been meaning to pull it all up now that it's finished flowering.  I just haven't gotten around to it.

And finally, I've found a really good BBC series on Prime called The Royal.  It's a medical drama set back in 1960s Yorkshire.  I'm really enjoying it so far.  In fact, I think I'll go take a quick shower and watch a few more episodes while knitting...something.


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