Wednesday, April 03, 2024

That Was A Bust

Remember how I'd said I wanted to plant some of my sunflowers on the east side of my carport?  And the problem was that the previous owners of this house were absolutely addicted to rocks, but I was goin g to try to dig up just enough to get my sunflowers planted?  

Well, this afternoon, I got out and tried to dig a spot up, but I couldn't.  The rocks were simply too densely packed, and I gave up pretty quickly.  Thought I originally hadn't wanted to put any more there,  I fit one of them into my front flower bed, so now I have five of them in there. 

That's all I'll be able to fit into that bed without interfering with the bachelor's buttons -- which are starting to open, oh, by the way.  I tried to take a photo, but the wind was blowing too hard.   It's really kicking out there, and it's supposed to get cold again.  Down into the low 40s, but we're not expected to frost, thank goodness.  Still, a spot of hot chocolate here in a minute won't go amiss.  

I put another sunflower here in the back yard, amongst all those yellow weeds. 

Those are called creeping buttercups, and they can be edible, but have to be prepped just the right way, so I don't fool with them.  But I digress...

I still have one more sunflower in the little cup, plus a few cosmos I need to find a place for.   Then I have several more seed packets I need to plant. I have no idea where I'm going to put them.  I want to put them out by the back fence, since that's always been kind of an unsightly area.  A few flowers will brighten it up a bit, and I've read that deer don't eat cosmos, so they should be OK there. 

Speaking of cups, I bought some new seed starting cups from Amazon.

They're pretty sturdy, and have soft silicone bottoms to make it easier to push the root ball out.  I'm going to use these next time I plant seeds, but I'm still going to put them onto my heat mat and under my grow lights.  When I get it all set up, I'll show you what I mean. 

While I was there, I ordered a couple of new hummingbird feeders.

I've already got one filled and hung up, and I'll try to get the other one hung soon.  I have another one of those hook things that you stick into the ground.  I just need to decide where I'm going to put it.  I don't think we're going to be working Saturday, so maybe I'll have time to get some of this done, in the midst of packing for my trip.  

Speaking of, it would seem the weather is going to throw a bit of a monkey wrench into my weekend plans.  I'd planned on driving up to Memphis and going to the zoo on Sunday, but current forecast is showing storms that day.  I'll have to keep a weather eye on the weather...HAHAHAHAHAHA!  

OK, moving right along....

Other forecasts are showing cloudcover for nearly the entire path of totality except for New England of Missouri.  Hopefully, it'll be the part where Peggy lives.  Even so, I'm still going to drive up and hang out, even if that's all we do.  I'd love for her to be able to come down for a Fiber Fun In The 'Sip one year, and meet Amy and Christi, and Leann if she comes. They are all such fun people.  We'd have a great time.  

And now, the moment you've all been waiting's meme debunkeration time!  This one has been floating around social media for a few weeks now.

There is absolutely no reason why you'd need to shut your pets up with the blinds closed. I'm a bit bumfuzzled as to why anyone would even think this is necessary.  I mean, what exactly do you think will happen to them?  It'll be the same as it is every night when the sun goes down -- only it'll be the middle of the day.  Your pets will be fine, even if you leave the blinds up.  

That's about it for today.  I think it's time for that hot chocolate...


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