Friday, September 02, 2022


 I'm free!  Well, until Tuesday at least, thanks to Labor Day and judicious scheduling of my vacation time.  As usual, I'd planned on getting so much stuff done.  Also as usual, I didn't get any of it done. What I did do was to spend a nice, leisurely morning relaxing and drinking coffee from my new mug.

I got this one from the Old Salt Coffee Company, owned by Navy veterans.  I want to support veteran owned businesses, but whoo wee their coffee is expensive.  It's like $17 - $25 for a 12 oz bag, depending on which blend you get.  Oh, I'm sure it's great coffee...if you can afford to drink such.  My budget is just a bit tighter than that, so I got the mug instead.

As nice as it was, I eventually got dressed and did my in-town running.  By the way, of all the people who told me to relax and enjoy my day off, not one of them volunteered to come cut my grass so I could do just that.  Apparently, they thought I was joking. 

I wasn't.  

Anyway, being that this is Labor Day weekend, I started putting out my Fall decorations.  Any by putting out my fall decorations, I mean I dragged the boxes from the shed into the house.   

I hung one wreath on my front door, but that's about all I've gotten done.  

I'm so goofy, I have to take pictures or I'll forget where I put everything.  I was thinking I might get one of those fake hay bales from the craft department and decorate my front porch this year.  I did it once, but the neighbor's dog...well, she really enjoyed those decorations.    Since they've moved, I might try it again.  Decorating the front porch, I mean.  I'll have to dig through my stuff and see what all I have.  

I'd also planned on spreading more of that Scott's Weed - N - Feed this weekend.  My front yard looks good, but the dollar weed is starting to take over the back yard again.  I think I'm going to have to put some out behind the fence, too, since I'm pretty sure that stuff is spreading into my yard.  If I do get out and spread the stuff, I'm pretty sure it'll kill off everything I have in my front flower bed.

Eh, I was disappointed in my flower bed this year anyway.  I got lots of green, but very few actual flowers.  I was going to chop it all down pretty soon anyway, so I can plant my bluebonnet seeds here in the next couple of weeks.  Well, maybe not all of it.  I'm considering leaving some to see if it'll come back next year, and maybe get some flowers out of it. 

In other news, I bought some more washi tape. 

It's been in my Amazon shopping cart for forever, so when I ordered Cody's first Christmas gift, I went ahead and got it.  I thought it looked cool.  I guess I'd better re-activate my account on Global Penfriends and find me some new pen pals so I can use all this stuff I'm buying here. 

Nah, I'm not going to show you what I got for Cody on the off chance he just might pick this one  single blog post to read.  I picked up a birthday gift for Brennan, too.  Her birthday is in December, but I thought I'd give it to her early.  They're supposed to come next month for our company picnic at work.  

And finally, the big news of the day is we have our first hurricane of the season!  Danielle strengthened into a hurricane overnight, but is going to be a fish storm, so no worries there. 

So long as she stays out of the Gulf.  But I got my Jim Cantore candle out and ready, anyway. 

Just in case...

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