Saturday, September 24, 2022

Lots To Catch Up On

There's been stuff going on, but it would seem my blogging mojo has gone the way of my knitting mojo.  I've had stuff to talk about, and time to blog...I just can't seem to find the want-to to type it all out.  This is going to be a bit of a catch-up post, so it'll be kind of long.  Bear with me, and we'll get through it together. 

Last week, someone posted in the local free-bees group wondering if anyone had any yarn they were willing to part with.  Naturally, I responded right away that I had plenty to share, and I began gathering up some for her to take.   I had several skeins of Lion Brand homespun that a friend had given me that I didn't really want.  I'd told her that I didn't like that kind of yarn, but I was sure I could find a good home for it.  She was totally OK with that, so I tossed those into the bag.  

Nest up, I tossed in a few skeins of Red Heart my friend Peggy had sent me a few years ago. She was destashing her own yarn, and I said I'd take all her Red Heart for charity hats.  I was thinking 6 or 7 skeins.  Ten at the most.  She sent me 37 skeins.  There's no way I could knit it all up, and I'm sure Peggy wouldn't mind me passing it on to someone who will put it to good use.  

The last thing I threw into the bag was some fuzzy pink stuff that I've had for so long I don't even remember when I got it.  I told the lady to go through the bag and take as much or as little as she wanted.  She ended up taking the whole bag, so that's a good thing.  She got yarn, and I got space.  

In fact, I cleaned out so much yarn, I was able to move some of my project bags off the doorknobs where they stayed most of the time, 

and into a cabinet.  One of the cabinets, I mean. 

As you can see, I still have plenty of yarn left.  And that's not even showing you the closet full in the craft room. 

In the midst of gathering up all that yarn, I found the bag where I kept the yarn I knit Jayne hats with.  Not uncoincidentally, I'd been thinking about knitting myself a new Jayne hat just a few days ago.  I'd given all of mine away, and thus I was without one for myself.  So, I cast on a new one using my favorite Cunning Hat pattern.  

This one is not going to be given away...until my son says, "Mom, would you happen to have an extra Jayne hat?  My friend wants one."  Except that I think I gave the last one to my brother for Christmas a couple of years ago.  No matter, I will soon be in possession of a new Jayne hat just for me. 

In other news, now that I've gotten my car and various other debts paid off and a little bit of savings built up, I figured it's time for me to begin trying to finish fixing up my house.  I can't go crazy with this economy being the way it is, but I can take little bites and eventually eat the whole elephant. This room, known as the snake room, has always been a problem.  It's where I stuff junk so that I can deal with it later.  

As you can see, most of the junk in here doesn't get dealt with.  Later or anytime.  I'd bought a shelf a while back to try to get some of the stuff organized, but it's not organized either. 

I don't even know what all is stuffed onto that shelf.  The plan was to get one of those Rubbermaid cabinets and put it out into my shop.  Then I can move my tools and stuff out into that.  I'd finally saved up enough in my ibotta account to order the one I wanted, so I did.  

I was going to put it together and start getting all that stuff moved out there this weekend.  Alas, as I was putting it together, I discovered I was short a part.  One of the tube things that holds all the parts together was missing. 

This is what it's supposed to look like. 

I've already contacted Rubbermaid customer support, but haven't heard back from them.  So that project is going to be on hold until I get that part in. 

The good news is, as I was checking out, I got one of those notices:  Apply for this credit card and get $100 off this order.  OK, I can do that.  I'll get the gift card, then never use the credit card again.  I halfway thought it would be a scam, but no, I actually got the $100 credited to my Amazon account.  So, that was cool. 

One other thing I bought was a night stand for Cody's bedroom. 

I did order a pair of them, but for some reason, one of them has been delayed.  Hopefully, it'll get here sometime this week.  But look at this, it has USB ports and outlets built into the top. 

  Something like that is really convenient for a guest room.   That way, they won't have to crawl behind furniture looking for an outlet to charge their phones or tablets, or whatever else they need to charge.  

The plan is to get rid of this headboard and bed frame.  

That headboard is queen sized and it's really just a bit too big for that room -- especially once I get the nightstand for the other side.  I've found a bed on Amazon that matches the new nightstands and also has under bed storage.  I'll probably wait until the overtime starts back up next year to order that one, though.  That black bookshelf will be moved out of that room, and oh, yeah, I'm going to get some lamps to put on those night stands, as well. 

And finally, I got out this afternoon and pulled up a bunch of that -- whatever it was, so I could plant my bluebonnet seeds.  

I'm not exactly sure why I'm showing you a patch of dirt, other than to say, this is the patch of dirt where I've planted my bluebonnet seeds.  

I've still got to pull that -- whatever it is -- out of the rest of my bed.

I had a few seeds left from that packet, so I tossed them out over the back fence.  I was very disappointed in them.  I got very few flowers out of the bunch.  Other than a little zinnia, 

and whatever this is, 

pretty much the entire bed was just a mess.  

I think next year, I'll just stick with Zinnias and Vincas.  

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