Friday, September 30, 2022

It's Friday, And....

 I am one pom pom shy of having a completed Jayne Hat.  

I'm already thinking about casting on another one using a larger needles size.  I knit this one with a U.S. 10, but for the next one, I'm considering going up to a 10.5 or 11.  I'm also thinking of tweaking the pattern just a bit.  I've been studying screenshots of the actual hat from the actual show, and there appears to be a couple of rounds of twisted stitches right where the orange joins the gold. 

I'm going to try to figure out how to get that worked into my pattern.  It shouldn't be too hard.  

In other news, as if my work weren't already a horrible place to work, starting Monday, in order to access vending machines, employees will now have to scan their employee IDs.  I guess they're bound and determined to enforce that whole water only thing.  I still don't understand what is so wrong with having a coffee or a coke at my stand.  Or even a pack of cookies.  

Now, I can understand that they wouldn't want people to set up hot plates and cook fish and french fries, but what's so wrong with a peanut butter cracker and juice?  

I'm telling you, if ADP thinks it's hard to find employees now, just wait until Milwaukee Tools opens up next year.  I know a lot of my friends are telling me to put in an application myself, but I just don't know.  My coworker and I were talking about it a yesterday.  We've both been out there 25+ years, and have a lot of seniority (not that that means anything out there, but still) and more importantly, a lot of vacation time built up.  That's a lot to throw away at this point in our careers.  Not only that, by the time it opens, I'll be 59 and just a few years away from retirement.  Too close to retirement to start completely over.  

Now, if I were much  younger and just starting out, then yeah, I'd be all over that. 

And finally, for some bad news.  Remember about a week and a half ago, when Jesse was having trouble with his back legs?  He seemed to get better for a while, then day before yesterday, he was having the same trouble.  I think I'm going to go ahead and take him to the vet next week.  He doesn't seem to be in any pain.  He just can't support his weight on his back legs.  

The weird thing is that it came on so suddenly.  I first thought he'd wrenched something jumping off the bed, but he hasn't been on the bed since all this started.  I did google his symptoms, and nothing I found sounds good at all.  We'll just have to see and hope for the best.

Still, given his age, I'm preparing for the worst...

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