Sunday, September 25, 2022

Wicked Storms

Man alive, we had some wicked storms roll through here last night.  It's been a long, long time since I've heard thunder that loud and that continuous.  In fact, I'm not sure I ever have.  It sounded like it was right over the house for a while, and it sounded like one long, continuous thunderclap.  I'm talking hours long.  Hours.  Needless to say, neither the animals or I got much sleep.  

We officially got 2.8 inches of rain, though some of the people in my town's weather watchers group on FB reported 4-5 inches in their rain gauges.  Others said their power went out, but mine never did.  It flickered off, but came right back on.  I'm glad of that. 

I'm going to have to do something else with my windchime, though.  That wind was seriously kicking out there.  It was blowing so hard, at one point, it literally blew me back into the house, but as you can see, the wind chime barely moved at all. 

What I'm thinking about doing is finding some pieces of clear plastic and making a circle around that anchor.  Having a bigger surface area to catch the wind might help.  I'm thinking if I move it away from my chimney, that might help, too.  I'll have to experiment to see where the best location is. 

Since we were all pretty wiped out from the storming, we didn't do much of anything.  And by we, I mean me.  The dog and cat slept all day, as per their usual. Cody and Brennan are coming next weekend for our company picnic, and I should be frantically cleaning.  But I'm not. 

I'm knitting a Jayne hat instead. 

Now, before I knock off here and finish that ear flap, I realized I've been remiss.  One of my readers asked me a while back how I liked the Chosen devotional books.  

I fully intended to answer, but somehow, life got away from me and I never did.  Short answer is, I love them!  These aren't like the Bible study books, but are a brief 2  to 3 minute daily devotion.  They are engaging and easy to read.  I'd bought one years ago at Walmart called Grace For Today, but I had never been able to stick with it.  These, I can't wait to get home from work to read each day's entry.  

Also unlike the Bible study books, these can be read independently of watching the show.  The study books go along with each episode of the series, but these don't.  They are more general, every day type of readings.  You will be able to read these and be fully blessed by them even if you've never seen the show.  

The only ding I would give them is that the print -- especially in the second and third books -- is so extremely tiny.  If you were thinking about getting them, but just weren't sure, I'd say go ahead.  You won't be disappointed.  


Amnicon Studio said...

We had some weird weather today, too. Nothing like what you got. Thunder and hail. Some super strong winds, too.

Thanks for the video of the wind chime. I have a wind chime that as much as the wind blows, it doesn't chime. I think the knocker is too big.

Becky G said...

I hope someday, I can catch a video of it actually chiming. It has such a lovely sound. Like the bells on ocean buoys.