Friday, March 04, 2022


 I got me a bit of a windfall today.  And the manner in which this came about is as follows.  

The plant fed us lunch.  They do this from time to time -- mostly to try to make us forget how horrible a place it is to work.  Anyway, today's lunch was catered by a local business called Small Time Hot Dogs. 

Folks, I'm here to tell you, if you're ever in Mississippi and see that Small Time Hot Dogs Truck, stop and get you one.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200,  Just stop and get you one.  Or two.  Or twelve.  They are that good.  

I went in and got my plate, and they usually put two hot dogs on each one.  Today was no different.  The plan was to have one for lunch, and save the other for supper.  I was in the break area, happily eating my hot dog, when I heard a voice behind me call, "Anybody want a chili cheese dog?  Anyone?"  Turning around, I stuck my hand in the air and said, "I'll take it."  

My coworker brought me the hot dog, and I thanked her profusely.  About that time, another coworker sitting at the next table said, "I should have given you my hot dogs, too."  She explained that she'd forgotten they were going to feed us, and had ordered a hamburger  She went and got the hot dogs, but really wanted to eat her hamburger.  I replied, "I surely would have appreciated it."  

Then she said, "They're right over there on my work station.  Go on and get them."  So, I did.  

And that, Gentle Reader, is how I ended up with five meals out of one (including today's lunch).  In these uncertain times, you don't turn down free food.  Three of the leftover hotdogs are now wrapped and tucked safely into my freezer, and the fourth is in my refrigerator, and will probably be my supper tomorrow. 

Not only that, something just hit me.  I mean, just now, as I was typing this.  

This morning, I hadn't slept well, and 2:45 came mighty early.  I was tired, worn out, frustrated.  Almost on the verge of tears.  Feeling so alone in the world.   

There was a song playing on the radio ( I keep it on K-LOVE).  This one:

In a moment of near blasphemy, I told the radio, "Unless your Jesus can pay my bills, I don't want to hear about him."  

I immediately repented, and we (me and my Jesus) had a moment.  He understands exhaustion.  After all, he was once so tired, he slept through a storm on the Sea of Galilee.  I went on about my day, not thinking much more on it.  Until I was typing this blog post up and I realized what my Jesus had done for me.

My Jesus just gave me a week's worth of suppers.  With all the condiments included.  So, in a way, he did pay my bills for me.  

I feel both very grateful and very humble at the same time, and very much ashamed of my outburst this morning.

Now I get it.  Now I truly get Romans 5:8.  

In other news, after much soul searching and pondering, I've come to the conclusion that maybe I'm just too far North to successfully grown bluebonnets.  Looking at the map, if I head straight West as the crow flies, I will end up in southern Oklahoma.  Just across the Red River. But Oklahoma nonetheless.  I don't know.  

I've also come to the conclusion that I am incredibly stubborn.  Why do I say this?  Because I bought four, yes, four more packets of Bluebonnet seeds.

I'm going to save these and plant them in September, because that's when the wild ones tend to germinate.  Every year, I'd always thought to myself sometime in early September, "Man, I should have bought some bluebonnet seeds and saved them," but I never had.  Well, now I have.  We'll see if that makes a difference. 

As if that weren't proof enough that I just can't seem to learn, I also bought a packet of wildflower seeds.  

I'm going to recycle those peat pellets in which the bluebonnet seeds didn't germinate and plant these in them.  I might even dig out that old fire pit and make a flower bed out of it after all.

Because, yes, I am that stubborn. 

And finally, it's Day 11 of the Siege.  

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