Tuesday, March 08, 2022

No Rest

 I had a blog post all planned out for you yesterday, but by the time I got home...well, let me start from the beginning.

There I was at work, just a working away, when Supervisor came to my stand and said, "I need you to go line braze on line 3."  

We had our usual argument about why is it always the same ones?  But he bribed me with Cool Points, so I headed back to line braze for the day.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I don't mind helping out, because I know what it's like to desperately need help but to not get it.  And I don't mind line brazing.  I'm actually better at that than sub brazing, so that's not the issue, either.  The problem I have is that there are 12 brazers over there, but only two ever get sent to line braze.  What about the other 10?  Why do they never have to go to the back?  It kind of feels not fair. 

I get back to line 3, and I hadn't even gotten my tip set, when they moved the other line brazer somewhere else. I had to do two people's jobs all day long.  As if that weren't enough, that line ran more than 500 units yesterday.  Normal is around 400.  And I had to hold that line up by myself.  All.  Day.  Long.  

Man, I'm getting too old for this.  

By the time I got off, my arm was hurting so badly, I felt like I was going to throw up.  I felt so bad, I went to bed at just after 6:00.  That's why your post didn't get written. 

This morning, when Supervisor came around to give me my Cool Points, I said, "Do you know what they did to me?" and I told him what had happened.  He said, "Oh, we're not doing that!"  Then I said, "Go look up and see how many units line 3 ran yesterday.  I did that, all by myself."  Right away, he whipped out his little coupon book, and gave me some more Cool Points.  

Later on, Supervisor came back around and said he'd told Brazing Boss/Assembly Line Production Manager that he'd given me some more Cool Points, and BB/ALPM said, "Oh, thank God!  She was looking at me like she wanted to kill me!"  

Supervisor said, "I don't blame her after what you did! I'd have wanted to kill you, too!"

And that was that.  

Well, what I was going to tell you about was how there is no rest for the weary.  Even on the day of rest, you don't get to rest, because you've got to catch up on all the work you didn't have time to do while you were spending 60 hours a week in the factory.  That's what I did on my Sunday off.

Aside from the usual laundry and dishes, the first thing I did was to get out and weed what is going to be my little bluebonnet bed. 

It looks a lot better now.  Hopefully, I can keep up with the weeds, and it'll be a nice little bed for my few remaining bluebonnets. 

While I was out there weeding, I got to looking around at my yard and I said to myself, "Self, you ought to go get your lawn mower and cut these weeds down in your yard."  Then I said to myself, "Nah, I'm not going to do that."  But then I said to myself, "Yeah, I think I will go cut them weeds." So, I did.  Hopefully, I got them cut before they went to seed, but still, I have some weed control stuff I'm going to put down, probably next weekend.  Or the weekend after that.

In the midst of all that, on a whim, I pulled the cap off of my sewer cleanout, and bummer...it was clogged up again.  You know, a nagging little voice kept telling me all week that I needed to run that Drain King again, just to make sure I'd gotten the sewer really cleaned out, and hadn't just shoved the clog a bit further down the line.  But I didn't.  Sigh...

I got out my trusty Drain King, and hooked it up again.  I shoved it down into the sewer, and yes, I had to stick my hand down into the raw sewage to get it positioned properly.  But I figured, it was my sewage.  Any germs in it came out of me in the first place, so there you go. 

I turned it on, and let it run a good, long time this time.  After about 15 minutes, I checked the other cleanout, and water seemed to be flowing pretty freely.  I turned off the Drain King and removed it.  Once it was deflated and out of the pipe, all the water that had been upstream of that cleanout flowed right on down the line.  Hopefully, that means I got the clog cleared for good.  I'll just have to keep and eye on it, and if it keeps clogging up, I'll have to get a plumber to come out and cam the line to see what the problem is. 

Update:  I just went out and checked it, and it's clogged up again.  I guess I need to try to find a plumber who will actually show up.  Which requires finding one who will return calls first...Wish me luck. 

Finally, let's end on a bit of good news.  This little Christmas cactus seems to be getting a bit more green to it, so maybe it'll survive after all. 

Even if it doesn't, I still have some red blooms. Look!

Somehow, a sprig of the red cactus got planted with what I thought were all salmon blooms.  

It ought to be really interesting come fall. 

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