Sunday, March 27, 2022

Glutton For Punishment

I must be a glutton for punishment. 

Why do I say that?  

Because I want a potting table.  I don't know why, as I have the blackest thumbs that were ever on a hand, but still, I want a potting table.  There are several options on Amazon that aren't too expensive, and I have enough in my ibotta savings to get one without straining my checking account.  I've seen several that I like.  I just have to decide which one to get.  

Soon, I'll be able to kill even more plants!  Woo Hoo!

I prefer the word persistent.  It sounds so much nicer than stubborn. 

At least Marty Mac seems to be thriving.  

He's put out several new traps, and his flower stem is getting longer by the day.  I need to re-pot him as all the experienced growers say to have the soil level with the top of the pot.  That'll be the first thing I do when my new potting bench arrives.  After I order it, of course. 

In the meantime, let me show you what I did yesterday.  Well, some of it, I mean.  I'm sure you don't want to hear about mowing or doing laundry.  See, on the east side of my carport have been these stepping stones.  They were here when I moved in.  

They are very annoying, and I hate trying to mow around them.  Yesterday, I got out and pulled them all up.   Yes, there was blood.  But I got the job done. 

It will make mowing so much easier.  I don't know what I'm going to do with the stones themselves, now that I have them out of the yard. .  

And I use the term "stone" loosely, as they appear to be poured from concrete.  I was thinking about seeing if they will fit together and make myself a bit of a patio outside my back door.  I'd be a very small one, but maybe it'll keep some of the mud out of the house. 

I don't know.  I'll have to think on it.  There are only seven, so there isn't a whole lot I can do with them.  Plus, I do have that other mold I bought years ago, and still haven't done anything with.  The first thing I need to do is get some sand delivered, so I can build that spot up and level it. 

Speaking of having only a few of something, I pulled up the plastic edging from around my wildflower bed. 

I mean, it already had edging, but I'd put this stuff around that little corner to keep it separate from the rest of that flower bed.  I was going to try to use it to make a sort of raised bed, but there are five pieces of it.  That's  how many came in the box.  Why on earth would you only put five in there?  I can't find any more of this design, either.  It seems to have been discontinued.  I guess I'll just make a pentagon shaped flower bed.  That ought to be unique.  Ish.  

Now for a bit of good news.  I got the old telescope out last night and figured out how to align it and all that.  It's so cool!  Once you get it aligned, all you have to do is find what you want to look at on the sky map in the app, tap on it, then tap Go To and it goes right there!   Of course, you have to realign it every time you move the telescope to a new spot, but now that I know how to do it, it's easy peasy.  You can also use the app to move the telescope without having to align it, if you want to find stuff manually.  

The bad news is, this time of year, you pretty much have to stay up all night if you want to see much of anything.  I looked at a few stars, and the Orion Nebula, but that was about all I got to see before I went to bed.  I got up early enough this morning to look at the moon and Venus, but it was already too light to see anything else.  I've got to find a darker place with fewer trees, as well.  Maybe one day, I'll get to go to one of the dark sky preserves.  Wouldn't that be fantastic?  

Of course, me being me, I had to mess something up.  I was trying to turn on the red spot on my little star finder scope, only I grabbed the wrong knob and now I have to re-align that.  I had an idea while I was at work the other day.  Instead of going all the way out to the lake, I thought, why not just go to the church parking lot?  There is a cow pasture behind the church, with a clear line of sight of well over a half mile.  I can get it aligned very well there.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have potting benches to browse.  

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