Wednesday, May 20, 2020


And just like that, we're back on 9 hour shifts, starting tomorrow. 

I've got this one coworker.  We're sure she's got some kind of un-diagnosed learning disability, because she can't remember anything.  She can do something 50 days in a row, and on the 51st, she'll act like she has no idea what to do.  Then, on the 52nd, she's right back to doing whatever it was without missing a beat.    

Long time readers may be familiar with my Dear Coworker series.  Well, this girl is the dear coworker who started it all.  Ten years ago today, as a matter of fact, I posted on my Facebook the following:  

Dear Coworker, 

Normally I am able to restrain myself. However, that statement you just made was so extremely Duh worthy that my Duh escaped my lips quite before I could contain it. For that, I may I offer you my abject apologies.

That is all.

Thank you.

Back to today... Group Leader Shark came around and said, "6-3 starting tomorrow!  6-3 starting tomorrow!"

The echo of her voice hadn't even died away, when this coworker came down the way and said, "What time do we work tomorrow?"  We all kind of look out for her, even though she can be a bit frustrating at times.  

Several years ago, this same coworker split up with her husband, or boyfriend, or whatever he was.  Good thing, too, because everyone in the plant thought he was beating the crap out of her.  I don't know how many times she'd come to work with a black eye, or split lip, and she claimed she'd fallen.  

So, she eventually split up with him.  Now, to be clear, I didn't see happen the incident I am about to relate to you, but one of my friends did.  She's described this to me so many times, I can see it in my imagination clear as day.  And what had happened is as follows.  Sue had split up with her husband, or boyfriend, or whatever, but he wasn't quite ready to give up on her.  He came to the plant to try to win her back.  She wasn't having any of it.  She got into her car and started driving away.  

The man jumped up onto the hood of her car, shouting, "I love you, Sue Ellen!" and she drove off down the road, with him on the hood.  Of her car.  Shouting, "I love you, Sue Ellen!"  And Sue Ellen just kept on driving...

Nobody quite knows when she stopped and let him off, or if she drove all the way home with him on the hood of her car.  They do know he was still there as she passed out of sight of those in the plant parking lot.  

That's one of those stories we still giggle over years later.

Well, I for one, am glad to be getting a little overtime.  I'm still pinching my pennies --  I even cut off my Hulu Live, my Britbox, and my Acorn.  Maybe I'll pick them back up after a bit.  Maybe not.  I've still got the cheap Hulu plan, and if I can find a cheaper way to watch football this fall, I may not pick it back up.  Or I may.  I don't know yet.  Most things can be found streaming, and a lot of it for free.  You just have to look around a bit.  

However, I did splurge and bought myself two new piano books.  

Oh, I can hear the outcry from here!  Christmas already????  It isn't even June yet!  Yes, Christmas already. It's going to take me a minute to learn them, and I don't want to wait too late.  I flipped through the pages and it looks really hard stuff.  It might take me this whole time to learn these songs.  By the way, I still owe you another recital.  I'm aiming for my one year anniversary, which is just less than a month from now.  

One last thing before I go, I've been remiss in marking Miss Rylea's 13th birthday.  It was May 5(ish), but what with all that's going on and stuff, it got overlooked.  

"I can't believe you forgot me again!", she says.  

I kept thinking I needed to bake a cake, but couldn't remember why.  I guess now I know. 

There was something else I was going to tell you, but now I can't remember what it was, so I guess I'll just go practice my piano, and bid you good night.  

Even though it's only 5:30.  

But good night, anyway.  

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