Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Stands for "Dead on Road."

Yesterday while I was on my walk, I found this big beautiful baby on the road. Yes, the poor thing is dead.
But a little farther down the road, I found these snake tracks.

Something pretty big made them. I started to follow them off into the field, but was stopped in my tracks by this:

Thickly covering the slope, I decided it just wasn't worth it to traipse through this in my shorts and sandalled feet.

This makes the third DOR I've found in two weeks. Sunday I found a Southern Copperhead and last week I found a beautiful speckled king snake. They were all adults. The copperhead was the smallest, measuring in at 3 feet, and the king snake and rat snake were both around 4 feet in length.

Maybe one day I'll get lucky and find a live snake on the road.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least it was dead on the road and not alive in the house. : )