Tuesday, September 12, 2023

It’s Official

Whelp, it's officially official.  This will be the last week we have a second shift. Except for a few people in sheet metal, that is.  They'll still have people in sheet metal, and I think maybe fin press, working on second shift for now. 

The test stations they'd been waiting on so they can convert another line to running air handler parts finally arrived yesterday.  They'll be getting them set up and installed this week, and the last remaining line on second shift will start on day shift Monday morning. 

I've heard some of the employees are mad about that, I guess because on day shift they'll actually have to do work and follow rules. Take, for example, the purge gas.  We have to use it on day shift or risk getting written up, yet the moment second shift walks in to work, the first thing they do is toss the hose over the thing.  Here is the proof of that.  I took this photo yesterday morning.   

Then there are all the shenanigans that go on during second shift...we got to talking about some of the things that had happened -- like all the times they caught people drinking, or smoking pot, or having sex back in the warehouse, and we can't forget the time some folks brought in some Fry Daddies and were cooking and selling fish plates, right there on the shop floor.  They won't be able to do any of that now.  

Nope, now they'll be expected to pull their weight and won't be able to blame us for their own failures any more.  

The good news is there was a tour in the plant today, hopefully of potential new customers.  Some of them came into the sub brazing department, right behind my stand.  The lady that works to my right took off as soon as they got there.  When they left, and she came back, I said, "I saw you abandon me and leave me hanging out to dry like that!"  When the next group came around, I leaned over and told her I was going to handcuff her to her stand so she could run off and leave me twisting in the wind like she had before.  

I guess you had to be there. 

Now for some bad news, my modem was supposed to be here tomorrow, but now they're saying it is delayed and won't get here until Thursday.  At this rate, I could have just waited until Friday morning and picked it up myself.  I'm just hoping it gets here before Saturday, so I can watch the ball games. 

In knitting news, I've gotten past the gusset decreases on my sock and am chugging away on the foot. 

I had to give my hands a bit of a break, though, so I cast on, yes, another hat.  

I'm starting to get the urge to get my second sock yarn blanket out and work on it.  Did you know I was working on two of them?  I am.  I finished the squares on the first one some time ago.  I blogged about it, once I'd knit the last square. I still haven't woven in the rest of the ends, or put any sort of border on it, though.  Anyway, I have a second one that I started to use up all the sock yarn I'd bought for the first one, which is quite a lot.  I mean, between what I bought, and what friends have sent me.  

I'm not as uptight about the second blanket, and will make multiple squares from the same yarn, plus it's a little bigger, too.  Now that it's getting almost chilly at night -- as in the middle 60s --, I'm kind of wanting to start working on it again.  I'll have to be careful that the cat doesn't snag it with her claws, because she's a kneader.  

There was something else I wanted to tell you, and I've been rambling nonsensically all this time trying to remember what it was, but I can't, so I guess it wasn't that important.  I guess I'll spare you any more of my nonsense and leave it for now. 

And as soon as I publish this, I'll remember.  Isn't that the way of it? 

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