Monday, September 25, 2023

Ends And Hats

I wove in ends this weekend.  All weekend long.

All weekend long, I wove in ends.  

And I wove in ends...and wove in ends....until I got positively sick of weaving in ends.  

I'm still not done...

So I quit.  For now, at least....

Instead, I got all of my hats out and washed and dried them so I could send them to the Seaman's Church Ministry.  Yep, I tossed them into the regular washer, and ran them through the regular dryer cycle.  My philosophy is if they won't survive the washer and dryer, then they're not good enough to send to a sailor. 

As you can see, they all made it through that first test just fine, and most of them ended up much softer after they came out of the dryer.  Red Heart tends to do that.  

While all that was going on, printed out the tags they have available on their website.

The only thing is, they say to attach the tags to the hats, but they don't specify how.  At first, I thought I'd punch a hole in the tag and tie it on with a ribbon.  Then I remembered.  I have safety pins!

Who doesn't need a safety pin!  Instead of just tossing the ribbon, this way, the recipient will have something useful to keep. If they want to, that is. 

OK, now I had the tags printed, the next step was to find my paper cutter.  I was sure I had one, because I distinctly remember using it.  However, after tearing my house up looking for it, I came to the conclusion I'd just been borrowing Beverly' know, back when I distinctly remember using one.  I had to run into town after work for a dentist appointment this afternoon (all is good for a change!),  so afterwards, I ran by Walmart and picked up a new one.

Yeah, there was a bit of a learning curve. 

I ruined the first set of tags because I didn't know exactly where the blade would cut, but after a little trial and error, I soon got the hang of it and quickly ended up with a nice little pile of gift tags for my hats.

Only now, I'm too sick of fooling with them to fill them out.  

I think I'll just go to bed instead. 

G'night, all.  

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