Friday, September 29, 2023

Stick A Fork In Me

 I'm done.

For today, at least.  I'm wiped out.

Oh, it all started innocently enough with my usual Friday shopping trip to Walmart.  No biggie.  Except for this one unplanned purchase, everything went smoothly . 

I really hadn't intended to get any more Fall decorations, but this was so cute, and only $3, so on impulse, I picked it up. 

It was after that -- and a quick bite of lunch -- that my day kicked me in the butt. 

Because I decided to mow.  I hadn't mowed in a while, mainly because I wanted to let my grass go to seed, which takes about a month according to all the articles I've read.  Yesterday when I got home from work, I checked and it looked like the seed heads were opening and the seeds were dropping, so I'd planned on mowing today anyway. 

I was going to wait until later in the day, but then I remembered I'm thinking about driving out to the lake to watch the Harvest Moon rise, so I needed to go ahead and get it done.  

Don't led the fact that it's the end of September fool you.  It was still hot out there.  Not as hot as it was in August, mind you, but still hot enough to leave me drenched in sweat by the time I was done, and I only did the front yard.  Because of the drought, the back is pretty dead already and didn't need cutting.  I'm not even sure how the front is even growing what with the lack of rain and all...but anyway, 

Your PSA for today:  clean the air filter on your lawn mower.  Your lawn mower will thank you for it. 

Once I got done mowing, I spent a few minutes tidying up the yard, and after that I spent the rest of the day sitting in front of the TV.  I don't want to wear myself out before my trip to Vicksburg tomorrow. 

Do you see this?  Do you know what it is? 

Those are spider lily leaves.  The don't normally emerge until after the blooming season, but they're coming up now.  Which means we won't get any blooms this year, except for this one brave little soldier here. 

The good news is, the leaves mean the bulbs aren't dead, so maybe next year.  Even more good you see this?  Do you know what it is?  It's a bluebonnet seedling!

And there's another one coming up in the planter!  

Let's all keep our fingers crossed that they survive. 

Speaking of my planter, I'm going to have to cut my pineapple sage 

and my lemon balm back again before the winter sets in. 

Which will be a while, because we've still got two-ish more months of Fall before first frost.   I might even get another harvest or two out of these this season.  That'll have to wait until later, though.  Harvesting, I mean.  I'm not getting back out into the heat today. 

The last thing I did before I came inside was to make yet another repair to my garden hose, not the same hose, though.  This repair was to the dark green hose on the right, which is still pretty old.  

I noticed the other day it had a puncture in it.  Fortunately, it was right at the end of the hose, so I only had to cut off about 3" and put a new male end on it, and it's good as new. 

By the way, when you're tightening that little hose clamp thingy, make sure you crank it down really tight or the water pressure might just blow the whole end out of the hose...

Not that that happened....I'm just letting you know. 

And finally, I finally got around to making a vet appointment for that brat cat of mine, and wonder of wonders, this receptionist managed to find her old records from when Mr. Clark had her.  Makes me wonder why the last one couldn't.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have 2 1/2 hours to decide if I'm going to drive out to the lake to watch the  Harvest Moon rise.  I must begin my mental debate now....

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