Friday, September 01, 2023


 Happy first day of fall!

Meteorological fall, that is. 

Ooooh, it was such a nice day, too. It was 67° when I got up this morning and I was able to open my French doors and some of the windows and let fresh air into the house.

It didn’t last long, but it was nice to be able to just sit and listen to the quiet while drinking coffee from my new mug. 

Then I went to Walmart. What was I thinking? Lordy it was a madhouse in there, but I found some Pumpkins Delights ice cream, so it was worth it. 

I also bought a 25’ tape measure, because the one I had was only 12’, and I wanted to see just exactly how long 14’ 3” is. 

That was one big alligator, I'm telling you.  Oh?  You hadn't heard of that?  The new state record alligator that was taken by hunters last week.  Yeah.  I'd been trying to imagine it, but needed a more visual representation, so I had to buy a new tape measure.  

On the way to Walmart, I drove down by the lake and just drove around a while.  I drove across the dam, down to the main beach, and down to the old Confederate fort.  I walked up to the fort, startled some deer, and spun a few Pokestops, but didn't take any pictures.  It was a nice outing, and something I hadn't done in far too long.  

I spent the rest of the day putting out my Fall decorations, which didn't take that long.  I'd dragged the box in from the shed last night after I finished mowing, 

as a sort of reward to myself for getting that chore done.  Now the house is all ready for Fall. 

I just wish the temperatures would figure it out. 

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