Friday, October 28, 2022

It Is Finished!

 It is finally finished!

We had our annual inventory at the plant yesterday.  My favorite day of the year.  Oh, you should have heard the whining and grumbling and complaining... but enough about me. 

Seriously, though, it always blows my mind how they refuse to let people inventory the areas they work in.  I work in sub brazing, and they had me working in sheet metal.  I don't know anything about sheet metal -- neither did anyone else who was doing inventory in sheet metal, because they all came from different places in the plant.  And I mean, places that aren't sheet metal.  Even the "chieftain"  didn't work in that area.  You would think they'd at least get someone from the area to be the one responsible for the area, but nooooo.  He was as lost as the rest of us.  I don't blame him.  I blame the people who just throw us out there with a bare minimum of training, but then get so nit picky about the way they want things done. 

Then there is how unorganized the whole mess is.  Back in the day, they'd spend several days doing inventory prep -- you know, things like organizing all the parts, making sure the same parts are all together, making sure each area had a working scale and someone who knew how to use it -- that sort of thing.  Not any more. 

Heck, they don't even teach the people filling out the cards how to do it apparently.  This one girl from second shift wasn't even filling out half the required fields -- one of which was the unit of measure.  There are six options, such as pounds, each, gallons, etc.  We have to circle the one unit each part or component is measured with.  The vast majority of what we count out there is counted as an "each".  So, someone pointed out to this second shift person that she wasn't circling the unit of measure, so she just started circling all of them -- on the same form.  She had a lot of corrections to make.  

It's all very frustrating, but nothing lasts forever and at long last, the day finally ended. 

What?  Did you think I was talking about something else? 

Something like....Square #2

and square #1

of the blanket?  Yes!  It is finished!  After all these years, the blanket is finally finished.

Oh, I've still got to weave in the rest of the ends and decide if I want to put some sort of border on it, but the knitting part is done. 

I'm not quite sure what to do with my life now....

I've got two more of these kinds of blankets on the needles, but they won't take nearly as long to finish, since I won't stubbornly insist on never re-using the same yarn.  

In other news, I'd thought about running up to Lowe's in Batesville tomorrow and picking up some top soil to fill in the spot where the plumber fixed my sewer line, but while I was in Walmart this morning, on a whim, I decided to check their garden center to see if they had any.  Lo and behold they did!  

I picked up a couple of bags and went ahead and spread it, since it's supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow.  

Now that I don't have a two inch gap in my sewer line, it won't be washing away, and I'll finally be able to get that hole filled in. 

 It's the little things.

Now that I've gotten my plumbing fixed and right this time, I'm thinking about finally getting my patio re-done.  The first plumber had torn it up to replace the sewer line, and I've procrastinated getting a new one poured ever since.  A while back, I'd even bought a mold you can use with Quick-crete, but even so, I just never got around to it.  

 Now that I've got some bills paid off and a little bit put by in my savings, maybe I can finally get around to it. 

Wish me luck. 

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