Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Day Of Disappointments

Disappointment #1:  We had been so excited when they said they were shutting down all production on second shift, because it meant we wouldn't have to deal with Second Shift Slob any more.  Alas, we were disappointed when we got there this morning and found out he'd be staying over there -- just in case we get behind on headers.  And yes, we had to deal with his slobby mess.  

What I don't understand is, if we're ahead enough that you can send one of the day shift brazers to the line every single day, then why do you even need someone on second shift in the first place? 

I managed to catch the new production manager -- and when I say new, I just mean new on day shift, he's been working there longer than I have.  I spoke to him and explained what we were having to deal with every day, and he said he'd take care of it.  I also told him we'd spoken to Baby Boss about it several times, but it just seemed to make things worse.  New Production Manager, who will now be known as Cuz on the blog because that's what he calls everyone, said he'd take care of that, too.  

Whatever, I'm not holding my breath that anything will get any better.  

By the way, I got the scoop on Baby Boss.  He didn't get fired at all.  He'd already put in his two week notice, and Friday was his last day anyway.  They just told him he could leave a little early.  

Disappointment #2:  Today was the day for our annual health screenings for our insurance.  I know a lot of people think these are an invasion of privacy, but I don't agree.  If you expect the insurance company to pay your health care bills, then they have a reasonable right to expect you to at least try to be in good health.  Also, if I'm working hard at maintaining my weight, eating right, trying to exercise, and I have to pay the same premium for my insurance as a morbidly obese, heart disease ridden, diabetic who refuses to even try, how is that fair to me?  Why should I even bother?  

All that to say, today was the day for our annual health screenings, but when I got up there and took off my steel toed leather boots to weigh in, this is what I saw. 

My brand new socks!  This was only the second time I'd even worn them.  The good news is, I have enough  yarn to either darn them, or even to rip out the whole toe and re-knit it.  I just need to decide which one I want to do.  Later.  I just don't have it in me to deal with it today. 

Disappointment #3:  All of my numbers for my screening were good, except for one.  They check waist circumference or BMI, blood pressure, glucose, HDL, and triglycerides.  Every year, I pass four of the five.  The only one that doesn't meet the standard is my triglycerides.  Guess which one I failed this year.  Yep, my triglycerides.  Again.. 

Well, at least I passed enough I don't have to pay the surcharge on my premium.

Disappointment #4:  A few weeks ago, I put out a trough behind the fence for the deer and any other wild critter who needs to fine water to drink.  Since then, my garden hose has absolutely fallen apart.  I'm not really upset about that.  The hose was probably 20 years old after all.  I've been trying to patch it with FlexSeal tape, but every time I tape up a spot, another one forms.  It might as well be a soaker hose at this point.  Today after work, I ran into Walmart to get a new one...and they've already pulled them from the shelves.  

I reckon I'll have to drive up to Batesville again this weekend and get one from Lowe's.  According to their app, they have plenty in stock.  Since I'll be in the area, I can go back to the Mounds and spin a few more Pokestops while I'm at it. 

Disappointment #5:  Yellowstone.  The TV show.  I'd tried to watch it when it first came out on Paramount +, but couldn't get past all the obscene language.  I turned it off pretty quickly.  Now, thanks to the writer's and SAG strike, they're showing an cleaned up version of it on CBS.  I watched the first episode, and fail to see what all the fuss is about.  I've been told it gets better, so I'll give it a few more episodes before I give up on it.  I usually try to watch at least three episodes of a show, knowing that the first few are usually setting up the characters and story line.  We'll see. 

The good news is,  thanks to the writer's and SAG strikes, CBS is going to show the BBC version of Ghosts starting in November.  I really enjoy the American version, and have seen enough clips of the BBC version on YouTube that I know I want to watch it.  So, I'm pretty stoked about that. 

Disappointment #6:  Pumpkin Spice Oreos.  

JUST KIDDING!   They aren't a disappointment at all.  They're delicious!  In fact, I think I need some more...now that my health screening is over, that is.  Oh, before I forget, my glucose was back down to below 100, which is a relief.  It was 117 last time I went to the doctor in April.

With that, I'll bid you adieu, Gentle Reader.  I've got Oreos calling my name.  

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