Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Whiskers On Wednesday

 There I was at work, just a working away, when suddenly it occurred to me, I have a cat now.  I remembered this blog thing I used to do called Whiskers On Wednesday.  And do you know what?  My cat has whiskers.  And today is Wednesday.  At that point, I knew, there was only one thing to do, and yes, I have done it!

Behold!  The newly revived Whiskers On Wednesday!

Yes, somewhere on that piano bench is a cat.

Either that, or the bench has grown ears and a tail.  Which would not surprise me at all.   At this point, nothing would surprise me. 

Well, it is once again the last day of June.   Before I remembered about WOW, I'd been thinking about a post I'd written way back in 2008.  I've gotten some new readers since then, so I felt it was time for a rerun.  

BTW, I don't know why it formatted like that, but I'm too tired to try to fix it, so you'll just have to live with it.  You want to know how tired I am?  This morning, I put my socks on, then put my shoes on...and that's when I realized, I didn't have pants on.  Good thing I caught that before I left for work, huh?  

Anyway, here's the post I'd wanted to share.  I hope you enjoy it. 

The Backside Of The Year

Today is the last day of June. The year is half over. Solstice is past and the days begin to grow shorter. Imperceptibly at first. Then one day you look out the window and realize that it is dark at a time when a month ago, the sun would still be shining.

Though there are still two long, miserably hot months to endure, the backside of the year brings with it a hope. Hope that is the promise of Autumn.

It is the hope of cooler weather. Crisp, clear days and chilly nights. The first frost.

It is over the river and through the woods. A cheery fire crackling upon the hearth. It's hot chocolate with marshmallows. It's that smell in the air that only Autumn can bring.

My birthday. Celebrating the joy of being alive in this magical world. Thankful for the gift of another year.

Football. Harvest. Thanksgiving.


The trees exult in one final dance before the evening shadows fade into the night that is winter.

The leaves, one by one, let go and swirl in eddies of wind before settling to the earth, where they crunch and crackle underfoot. And nature drifts off to sleep.

It's a wondrous and wonderful time, this backside of the year.

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