Friday, June 18, 2021

Mad At My Cat

I'm mad at my cat.  What happened that caused me to get mad at my cat is as follows: 

I got up at my usual 3:30 AM, let the dog and cat out, and began getting ready for work.  After a few moments, I let Jesse in so he could eat his breakfast, and continued with my morning routine.  

About half an hour into it, I heard the cat meowing at the back door, so I went to let her in as well.  Upon opening the door, I saw she'd killed another vole.  It was a big one, too.  Only it wasn't quite dead, so,  I got my pellet gun to dispatch said vole into the great beyond.  Since I didn't have my glasses on at the time, I bent wayyyy over to make sure I got a clean shot, and didn't cause the animal needless suffering.  

That's when I noticed something odd about that vole.  I bent over even further, and wasn't a vole at all.  It was a baby bunny.  

"We do not kill rabbits!" I chastised the cat.  

I picked it up, wishing I had an extra tank handy to put it into.  I knew I had one out in the shed, but I didn't have time to go dig it out.  As I was holding the baby bunny, it seemed to recover a bit, and began fighting me.  I took it outside and put it behind the fence, close to the woods, and shut the cat inside the house for the day.  I fussed at her again, telling her she can kill voles, rats, chipmunks, even squirrels but we do not kill rabbits!  

Seriously, if this economy gets much worse, we may need to eat them ourselves. 

After I got to work, I remembered the plastic box I have in the snake room.  Fat lot of good it did me then, though.  All day long I worried about the little rabbit, and as soon as I got done with my payday errands, I ran outside to see if it had survived and maybe hopped away.  I didn't even put my milk into the ice box first.

The bunny was still where I'd left it.  I thought it was dead, but when I picked it up, it started moving.  I carried it inside and put it into the box, then went and got the extra tank out of the shed.  Miracle of miracles, it still had the water bottle and bedding in it from when I had a mouse.  

I put Bugs into the tank and put him in the snake room, so the cat won't bother him.  I picked him some grass, clover, and dandelions to nibble on, and am currently resisting the urge to go check on him every two minutes.  

Now, we hope for the best. 

P.S. Yes, if he does survive, I will release him again, just as soon as he seems healthy enough.  

P.P.S.  I did have a collar with a bell on it for the cat, but she lost it.  

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