Thursday, June 10, 2021

I Suppose I Should Blog

 I suppose I ought to blog, but there hasn't been very much to blog about lately.  All it's done is rain.




I know it's Cataclysmic Flood Remembrance Month and all, but can we remember without the reenactment, please?

There has been a lot of flooding and a lot of damage around here, but I'm on a bit of high ground, so I'm OK.  Other people haven't been so fortunate. 

Yesterday, I got to work and part of the parking lot was taped off.   "What the heck?"  I grumbled, as I turned down a different aisle than the one I normally use.  When I got to the back, I found out exactly what the heck was.  

The whole back end of the parking lot was flooded.  They say the water came all the way up to the receiving docks -- where we receive our parts.  They had pumps going full speed, trying to keep the water from getting into the air compressors.  All our machines run on pneumatic pressure, so if the compressors went down, so did we all.  As it was, they had to turn some of the air conditioning units off, because water was getting into them.

Yeah, it was sticky and uncomfortable, but I'd rather have them down for one day than have them ruined and down for the whole summer.  The downside is, my hair got frizzy.  I mean, really frizzy.  And I'll tell you one thing, me and my frizzy hair are so over this rain. 

How much has it rained?  So much, we've filled up this bucket, 

twice.  Not twice in the same day, I mean.  Twice since it started raining...Saturdayish.  It's been so long, I can't even remember when it wasn't raining.  My unofficial measurement from my house is right around 16".  And we've got one more day to go.

If anyone needs me, I'll be down at the lumber yard pricing gopher wood.  

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