Thursday, June 24, 2021

Prime Day!

 Before I begin today's post, let me just say...I could just cry.

Sigh...what else could go wrong.  My dad was right when he said home ownership is for the birds.  I'm seriously considering putting my house on the market and just finding a place to rent.  I guess once they've finished with the road, I'm going to have to find someone who can reset my mailbox.  It's just one more stress piled on to my life.  

So, let's talk about something more pleasant.  Prime Day!

Y'all score any big Prime Day deals?  

I was seriously considering getting myself a Soda Stream, but decided against it.  I'm not even sure why I really wanted one.  I hardly ever drink carbonated drinks any more.  Not even my Diet Dr Peppers.  I was thinking that if I got a Soda Stream, I could carbonate my fruit juice and make it more appealing.  I'm not sure why, since I mostly drink water these days.  

I'd asked about it on FB, and yesterday, one of my coworkers came over and told me, "You don't need a Soda Stream."  He'd gotten one for his kids, and said that once the gas ran out, they just started buying drinks from the store again.  They eventually gave the thing away.  I told him I'd hemmed and hawwed, and finally decided that if I didn't even know if I really wanted one, then I didn't really want one. 

What I did really want, though, was an air fryer!  (My coworker concurred.  "You need an air fryer!" he said.)  I love fried mushrooms, and mozzarella sticks, and things like that, but I hardly ever buy them, because cooking them is such a pain.  I have an old Fry Daddy, but I hardly ever use it.  You have to wait for the oil to heat up, then it splatters all over your kitchen, and then it takes forever to cool off so you can put it back up, and it's just a mess.  I've wanted an air fryer for a while now, because I think it would be a lot healthier, and a little less messy.  

Wonder of wonders, they had one in a Prime Day deal!  And that's what I bought, along with some accessories. The aforementioned air fryer arrived today.

The accessory pack included a little grill thing, with some skewers, 

a pizza pan, and a deep dish baking pan. 

Now, I'll have to look up all sorts of recipes to use, but for tonight, I made myself some Tater Tots. It only took 10 minutes, and clean up was a breeze!  

The only other thing I bought was some protein powder that was half price.  I usually drink Carnation Instant Breakfast, but I'm trying to find a lower sugar option.   This stuff I got is pretty high dollar, but I got a good deal on it. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to google air fryer recipes. 

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