Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Back In The Swing Of Things

 I am back from Texas, and back into the swing of things.  I had a great time with all my family, and I'll be posting more about the trip from time to time.  Right now, I'm trying to get all the photos and videos I took somewhat organized in my Facebook albums.  It's going to take a while, though, because there are a lot of them, and I'm trying to convince my cousin and sister in law to add their photos, as well.  

To give you a little bit of perspective, this is how much I got knitted on the scarf while I was gone:

Before I left, only the bottom two green stripes had been done, and maybe one row of the white. The yarn is Lion Brand Mandala, and the colorway is Genie.  I'm thinking it may not be long enough with just one ball.  I might have to try to find another one, and maybe make a matching hat.  Or not.  I don't know.  We'll see. 

I'm telling you, when that alarm went off Tuesday morning, I thought I was going to cry.  Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job?  Anyway, straight after work, I went and picked Jesse up from the vet.  He was so glad to be home!  As soon as I let him in, he ran and jumped onto his bed and didn't move for the rest of the evening.  

I can certainly sympathize with that!

In other news, there is lots going on in my wildflower bed.

I can't wait until they start blooming!  Hopefully, enough of them will survive long enough for that.  I know they're kind of crowded right now, but I'm not going to try to thin them for fear I might mess things up.  They're wildflowers.  Survival of the fittest, you know.  The good news, I've got several bluebonnets that have sprouted as well!  So, now we wait..

In the meantime, my marigolds are hanging in there.

 I've been spraying them down with the dishsoapy water every day.  Maybe the snails don't like the taste of that, because they seem to have grown a bit over the last few days. My moss rose are coming on like gangbusters, too.

Funny story, my brother Scott's church sent a Peace Lily up to my mom's memorial service.  Afterwards, we were trying to decide who would take it home.  We first offered it to Scott, since it was his church that sent it.  He said, "Might as well kill it now, then!"  I said I didn't want it either.  Those are supposed to be impossible to kill, and I've already killed three of them. We ended up leaving it with James, since he seems to be the most green thumbed of us.  

Oh, and I've finally joined the Croc nation.

I wanted something I could slip onto my feet when I go outside, but it's too warm for those big rubber boots I usually wear. These will be just the ticket. 

And finally, let me leave you with a teaser of what is to come:  

My nephew Paul, and my son Cody.  More about that later...

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