Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Problem Solved

Hot on the heels of yesterday's musical post, I just had to show you what I found.  I was playing some stuff just for fun -- which I like to do sometimes, when the notation at the top of this page caught my eye:


Fancy instrumental chorus.  Heh...fancy that!

I've always wanted to play a fancy instrumental chorus...  

Well, I think I've figured out how to get the cat to stop yowling all night.  Lock her outside all day long!  I discovered this quite by accident.  See, she always wants to go outside in the morning, but I've never let her, because I'll be at work all day, and she won't have a way to get back inside.  Yesterday morning, she pestered me so much I finally gave in and let her out.  Then I went to work.  With her still outside.  

And it stormed.  All. Day. Long.  

She was out in it, with no way to get back inside, what with me not being at home and all.  When I did get home, she made a beeline for the door, ate a little supper, then headed to the couch and slept all night long.  So did I.  It was wonderful. 

This morning, I got up at my usual 3:30 AM, gave her her breakfast, and began getting ready for work.  Not once did she ask to go out.  Not once did she yowl.  Not once did she follow me around getting under foot.  Not once.  

I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or worried.  

Turns out it was a good thing, as it stormed all day long again.  As it happens, it's storming even as I type this.  We've already gotten 5" of rain in the last two days, and it isn't supposed to stop until Saturday.  There is some serious flooding going on in the area, especially just up north of here.  But, I think I've found a solution.  To the cat, not the rain.

I'd originally wanted to put a cat door in my French Doors, so she could come and go as she pleased.  That was the plan, until I went to Texas.  I took one look at my cousin Judy's French doors, and decided I had to have some myself.  She's got the kind with the blinds between the panes of glass.  Judy said I might be able to get a contractor to just put the insert into my existing doors instead of having to buy a whole new set of doors, so that may be what I do.  Either way, it put the kibosh on a cat door in the French door idea.  

The next option was to get one of those window inserts with the cat door in it.  That proved to be a bust, too, because my windows are square.  To get one wide enough to fit, it would be too tall for my window pane to clear.  The only window a standard size insert would fit would be the one in Cody's room.  I may still go that route eventually, but for now, no.

I thought briefly about having a contractor come out and cut an opening in my kitchen door -- because it's metal and I don't have the right equipment to cut metal -- but the glass door would be a problem.  I'd have to take it down for a door there to actually work, and I didn't really want to do that.  My situation seemed dire, but suddenly there was a light at the end of the tunnel.  

It was Saturday, I was at work just a working away, and that's when I remembered, I have a wooden door in the laundry room, and yes it leads out into the car port!  I'd forgotten about that door, because I have a shelf sitting in front of it, but it's there and the perfect place to put a cat door.  I'll have to move the shelf, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.  If I find new places to put everything that's on it, I can move the shelf itself out to my shop.  Clean up the laundry room a bit and bada bing bada boom, cat door!

Standing there at my work station, I'd gotten all gung ho about going to Lowe's after work and getting a cat door, but the closer to the end of the shift it got, the less gung ho I got.  Naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I came home and ordered one online.  It'll be here next week.  And all that to say, I think I may have solved the cat's problem of being able to get back into the house when I'm not home. So yay for that. 

It would also seem I've solve the problem of my marigolds getting munched on.  

It looks like snails don't like the taste of dish soap.  My wild flower bed is also coming on like gangbusters.

I can't wait to see them blooming -- if the rain doesn't beat them into mush, that is.

Lastly, I hadn't planned on planting anything in the little bed in front of my porch, but you know what they say.  It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.   And change my mind I did. 

On a whim, while wandering through the garden center at Walmart, I decided to buy a couple of lantanas.  Now, they look a little lonely, so I'll probably get a few more and fill up that bed.  

My grandma always had lantanas, so I've got a bit of a soft spot for them. 

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