Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Worn Out

I'm plumb worn out, y'all.  These long hours and the heat in the plant have got us all drained.  How tired am I?  Well, today, I threw my hammer in the trash and tried to use a plastic baggy to beat my parts into place.  Wait, that's not going to work.  Get the hammer out of the trash, toss the baggy into the trash...carry on.

How tired am I?  Last Friday, when I was at the store, I finally remembered to get my pole for my new Texas flag.  I was looking at them, and wondered that the flag and pole set was cheaper than just buying a pole by itself.  I went ahead and grabbed the set, thinking I'd have an extra flag for displays inside, or whatever.  Maybe next year, I can add a folded flag to my Missing Man place.  OK, I got the set. It wasn't until after I'd loaded everything up onto the conveyor at the checkout that I saw I'd gotten the sleeved flag instead of the grommetted flag.

By the way, the flag set is priced at $17.76.  Very clever. 

The flag itself is no big deal, but being sleeved meant I didn't have a bottom clip to which to attach my Texas flag.  By then, I was too tired and frustrated and just wanted to go home, so I didn't try to rush back and switch them.  I knew you could buy those clips separately, and that's what I did.

I found these on Amazon for less than $3, but they were an add on item.   For those of you Luddites who may not be familiar with how Amazon works, an add on item will only ship if you have an order of $25 or more.  If you have less than that, they save it until you have an order that qualifies.  Not that spending $25 on Amazon is a problem...

What I bought was...new stationery!

It's got little dragonflies on it.  And look at this!  A matching wax stamp!  (Sold separately) Woo hoo!

I'm going to be writing the heck out of some letters this weekend!  It's supposed to rain all weekend, too, so that'll be perfect writing weather. 

Speaking of, I found three people on that Global Penfriends site who want to write to me.  Two are from England and one from Germany.  All three are women, two are about my age, and one is mid 60s.  All three like to craft.  I also got hit up by a Nigerian scammer claiming to be a Native American man from Arkansas.  Yeah, that's not going to happen.  They do screen profiles, but I guess they miss some from time to time. 

Back to my shopping spree, the stationery and stamp weren't quite enough to round out my order, so I tossed another bit of survival gear into my cart.

I need to get it out and try to figure out how to use it.  I don't want to be in a survival situation and sitting there trying to read the instructions and what not. 

I wonder if it'll catch chipmunks...

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