Thursday, June 20, 2019

Pretty Hairy

Remember I said yesterday I took my flags down because it was supposed to storm last night?  Yeah, I wasn't kidding, either.  Things got pretty hairy there for a while, but we made it through unscathed. 

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I've heard tell a tornado touched down just a few miles down the road, but I haven't been able to confirm it.  I know several warnings were issued, but I don't know if there were any actually on the ground or not.  We got some pretty stout straight line winds, though, that's for sure.  I've seen reports of gusts up to 55 MPH up around Tupelo.  There were trees and limbs down, and power outages all over the viewing area.  I heard they affected some 14,000 residences. 

My power went out just after 11:00 last night, which woke me up.  I thought surely they'd have it back on by the time I got up for work, and eventually drifted back off to sleep.  However, when the alarm went off this morning, it still wasn't back on.  I briefly wondered if that was a good enough excuse to call in sick, but then remembered -- attendance bonus, and got on up.

There, in the pitch blackness, I reached for the little battery operated lantern I keep beside the bed for just such an occasion.  It wasn't there.  I got out of bed and hit the button on my phone, and by the light of my screen, looked for the lantern again.  Still not there.  Then I remembered, I'd put it into my bug out bag. 

Not wanting to drag that thing out of the closet, I used my phone light to go and get my Harvey Lantern out of Cody's gun cabinet.  I call it my Harvey Lantern, because I bought it after hurricane Harvey went through, and I was without power most of the next day.  I searched high and low for one of the multitude of lanterns and lamps I'd bought for Cub Scout camping trips, but couldn't find a single one.  I said, "This is not going to happen again." 

The next day, I went to the store and bought the biggest, brightest lantern I could find.  And promptly dubbed it my Harvey Lantern. 

So...I got my Harvey Lantern out, and got dressed by lantern light.  There wasn't anything I could do about my hair, so I went to work looking just a bit like Bozo the Clown.  I was hoping beyond hope the power would be out at the plant, but no such luck. 

It was while I was at the computer at work, printing out my daily schedule, when it hit me.  See if you can spot it.

Yep, right there on my nightstand.  My weather radio, with its super bright flashlight and fully charged battery. 

Sigh, all I can do is blame lack of sleep.  It's my go - to excuse these days. 

They finally got the power restored around 2:30 ish or so.  I got the message while I was on break, and my first thought was, "Yay!  That'll give the air conditioner time to cool the house down before I get home."  My second thought was, "I'll be able to play the piano, too!" 

Believe it or not, standing there in the dark, with no electricity, at 2:45 this morning, I was practicing my piano.  I couldn't turn it on, but by golly, I was hitting those keys nonetheless! 

Since getting that piano, my interest in my guitar has severely waned.  I'm going to go ahead and order that book, hoping it'll perk my desire to play back up.  I'm afraid that if I put it down now, I'll never pick it back up again.

Now, I'm going to go run through my chords at least, and a few strumming patterns before bed.

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