Friday, June 14, 2019

New Stuff

Anyone can walk out of the restroom stall with tissue stuck to her shoe.  It takes someone special to walk out of the stall with tissue stuck to her head.

Um, happened to a friend....yeah.  OK, then...

I think I've figured out why I've been dragging so much.  About half way through work today, I felt that tell- tale flutteriness in my chest that signals a cold coming on.  Lovely.  Well, only a half day of work tomorrow, and I'll have an excuse not to mow!  So, see, there's a bright side to every situation.

After work, I drove all the way out to the vet to get some flea and tick stuff for my dogs.  There's this new tick borne illness that makes you allergic to meat, and I want to be protected from it.  I bought a whole box so I could get two doses free, because they had a sale.  I made my Wal-Mart run, came home, and went to put the flea stuff in the cabinet...only to discover a whole unopened box already in there.  Sigh...

While I was at Wal-mart, I went down the seasonal decor aisle, and found these nifty little wall hangings on clearance.  They fit perfectly with my rustic Americana theme I want to do my living room in.

These two big ones were only $1.50 each.

The small ones were $1,

and the little pig was only $.75.

If I'd known the little pigs were that cheap, I'd have gotten two.  If they still have any left next time I'm in there, I'll pick up another one.  I wish they had some chickens of some sort.  I could put the pigs on one book shelf and the chickens on the other one.  That'd look real good.

Finally, my Piano Guys book of music is in Memphis already!  I might get it tomorrow!  If not, by Monday for sure!  I'm considering finding myself a piano teacher, instead of trying to learn it on my own.  I'm going to ask in one of the local FB groups if there is anyone out there willing to teach a cranky old lady who will probably whine and fuss and fight you every step of the way...but really wants to learn.

I'll need to get my piano first.  No sense in taking lessons if I don't have anything to practice on.

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