Saturday, June 15, 2019

That Was Fast!

I must have been really tired last night.  I mean really tired.  Why?  Because I slept through the fireworks! 

My town does a carnival thing out at the lake every June called Thunder On Water.  It used to be a big deal.  I mean, they had big name stars coming and doing concerts and stuff.  Mark Chestnutt, Diamond Rio,  folks like that.  Several years ago, they stopped the concerts, and it's really gone down hill since.  Still, they have rides for the kids, craft vendors, and do fireworks.  This year, they had to move it, due to the flooding.  It's usually down by the spillway, but they are having it up by the airport this year.  That makes it even closer to the house.  And I still didn't hear the fireworks. 

My Piano Guys music book I ordered has arrived!  I was surprised at how fast it got here, too.  I was expecting it to take at least a week, since I didn't pay for expedited shipping. 

It even included an insert for the cello part. 

I suppose I could send that to my nephew Joshua, who plays the cello.  Maybe when I get my piano and learn to play it, we could do some duets. has a new thing on their app.  What it is, whatever life event happened to your ancestor, it marks the location on a map.  It's so cool.  Naturally, most of mine are in the U.S. 

My U.K. map is pretty colorful,

as is my map of Sweden. 

They have another relatively new thing where you can add a label to an ancestor's profile.  I've been going back through my tree and marking all the immigrants.  It's kind of gotten me interested in researching my ancestry again.  And get this, I found an ancestor who was lost at sea!   

I'm sure that makes me a terrible person that I get so totally geeked out over that. 

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