Thursday, June 13, 2019

Wiped Out

And now we wait...and stalk the mail carrier like Hyacinth Bucket.

I am plumb wiped out, y'all.  I'm just dragging, so this will probably be short and dull.

And as if to add insult to injury, when I got home, I found I had a mouse running around my living room, and both dogs -- both of them -- just sat there and watched it scamper on by.  I had to get the broom out and beat it to death with the handle.

The dogs and I are having a long talk about their job performance.

In other news, I mentioned the other day about ordering another pedometer.  A reader pointed out that you can download pedometer apps for your phone.  That was my duh moment for this week.  Yesterday, I downloaded one, and carried my phone in my back pocket, as usual, all day.  It actually worked!  It's actually probably more accurate than a belt pedometer, as that one counted steps every time it jiggled.  And when you have a belly like mine, it jiggles a lot.

As soon as I got home, I signed up for another virtual race.  This time, I chose Zeus, which is supposed to take place on Mount Olympus.  That will be so cool!  Anyone want to do it with me?

I'm going to look at some of the other virtual race sites and see what kinds of medals they offer, too.  If it'll get me off my lazy bum and walking, I'm all for it.

BTW, you know you've been living in a Southern farming community when you are driving home from work, look off to your right, and your first thought is, "Ooo, dude needs to get the kudzu out of his cotton!" 

That's about all I have for today...Actually, I do have more to talk about, but I'm so tired, I don't think I could make a coherent sentence.  At least tomorrow is a short day -- only 10 hours.

Maybe tomorrow evening, I can write some of these posts I have milling around in my brain.

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