Saturday, June 01, 2019

Not Much Going On

There I was at work, just a working away, composing a very nice, interesting stream of consciousness post for you...and I get home and forget everything I was going to say.  Instead, you get dullness.

Unless you want to hear about my rebelliousness in refusing to mow.  I'm just not going to do it.  Not this week.  Maybe not ever.  OK, I will sometime.  But not this time.

By the way, stream of consciousness writing is when you write just whatever pops into your head.  Sometimes it makes sense.  Sometimes it's just rambling nonsense.  I have a feeling this will be one of the rambling nonsense posts.

Speaking of rambling, I rambled through the lake yesterday on the way into town after work.  Now, in the local vernacular, to say you drove "through the lake" doesn't mean you literally drove through the water.  It means you went on the roads next to the water.  That being said, I went down there to check on the water levels.  It's still very, very high, but the emergency spillway is no longer overflowing.  The sluice gates at the regular spillway appeared to be wide open, and the outlet channel was way high.  There are sidewalks about halfway down on each side of the riverbanks, and they were both underwater.  I didn't go down to the boat ramp or the swimming beach, but I expect they're still flooded as well.

The good news is, they're finally able to start planting some of the cotton fields.  Up in Ohio and Iowa and the like, they're still way behind on planting because of the flooding.  It's going to be a rough year for farmers all across the midwest.

I'm not sure if that has contributed to my sudden interest in collecting survival gear or not, but I've started buying some.  Just in case I ever get lost in the woods.  Which I can neither confirm nor deny has ever actually happened. 

OK, it hasn't, but you never know. 

I'd bought a life straw a few years ago.  It filters the bad stuff out of water, so you can drink anywhere and have safe, clean drinking water.

I'll probably get another one to add to my collection, because they do have limited uses.  My most recent purchases are these fire starters.

I'd managed to catch them on an Amazon flash sale and got them for half price.  While sitting in the thinking room.  At work.  Don't read this, Boss Man.   I'm pleading the Fifth.

Moving right along. 

I'd ordered this pocket bellows last week -ish from Amazon when I was buying something else.  Which I can't remember what I was ordering, but this was in my wish list, and I tossed it into the cart.  It finally arrived today. 

There's more stuff I want to get, too.  I'm going to make a survival gear wish list just as soon as I get off of here.

A couple of years ago, I paid $40 for a heavyweight canvas backpack to use as a tool bag at work.  The very next week, they announced that we'd have to start carrying clear bags like little school children.  Thus, the backpack has been sitting idle since I got it.  I never even got to carry it once.  Now, it will finally have a purpose. 

If I ever go anywhere -- like squatch hunting with my friend Kristine --  I'll toss in my weather radio and a few cans of Vienna sausages as well. 

Another one of my mouse traps was triggered last night.  The mouse managed to escape, but left a little pile of poop right there by the trap.  So, I guess you could say I scared the crap out of that mouse.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!

Clearly, I don't get enough sleep. 

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