Monday, June 17, 2019

Gas Light

Before I begin, I'd like to say welcome back to work to regular reader Tommy.  He came back last week, after a lengthy illness.  And for your PSA for today, if you have a hernia on your belly the size of a flippin' bowling ball, go to the doctor and get it taken care of before it turns your bowel septic, shuts down your kidneys, and nearly kills your hard headed self!

And Tommy, if you ever do anything like that again, I'm going to Gibbs slap you so hard, you won't ever find the back of your head! 

Now, on to today's regularly scheduled blog post.

Friday, on my way home from town, I stopped at the corner gas station to fill up my car.  Mr. Monroe's for you local folks.  I inserted my card into the reader there at the pump, and the words came on the screen, Please See Attendant. 

I don't want to please see the attendant.  If I wanted to see the attendant, I wouldn't be paying for my gas at the pump!  I got so aggravated, I just drove off without getting any gas.  That station irritates me, as this happens just about every other time I go to fill up.  I go there because it's convenient, but I think they have just lost me as a customer. 

Saturday, I was debating on driving into town -- bypassing Mr. Monroe's -- and getting gas elsewhere.  "Ah,"  I thought.  "My gas light isn't on.  It can wait." 

No sooner than the words had left my brain, when bing.  On comes the gas light.

Still, I can drive for a minute before I run completely out, I told myself.  I'm just going to let that little light shine. 

Today, I was telling my coworker, I've got to get gas today.  I told her what had happened, and she said, "Did you go get gas?" 

"No!" and she spit out her coke.  I said, "I'm going today!" 

But...along about 1:00, I began to wonder if I had enough gas to last one more day...Probably, but no.  I went and got gas.  I drove down the back end of Riverdale Rd, and got gas at those stations by the 211 exit (for you local folks).  I'm telling you, it's been a long time since I drove that way.  Do you know what I saw? 

Corn.  Lots and lots of corn planted on that end.  About a foot high, too.  Taller than the cotton is right now.  I don't know if that's a regular thing, planting corn, I mean, but I think I might take the long way home more often. 

And what do you think was waiting for me when I got home?  My piano!!

Pay no attention to the junk on my cabinet.  I got so excited, I just arm swept it all to the side and put my piano there.

I started to tell you Saturday that I'd gone ahead and ordered one, but I decided to make it a surprise.  Yep, when I got that book of music, I just couldn't wait any longer.  I cashed out most of my iBotta savings, and put in a little from my own savings, and got this one.  It wasn't the bundle I'd originally wanted, as it's a slightly cheaper model, and it's only the keyboard, but I decided I could save up and get the stand and stool later. 

I'm going to have to, because it's just a little too high to play comfortably there on my cabinet.  Even sitting on the stool, it doesn't feel right. 

I mentioned I got a slightly cheaper model.  I'd planned on getting the Yamaha P45.  This one is a Yamaha P71.  It may not be as fancy, but I heard videos in the reviews of people playing this one.  It sounded good to me, and since I'm only going to be playing for my own enjoyment, I bought it.  I also got a lesson book, but I think I still might try to find a piano teacher locally.  The problem with that is, when could I go to my lesson?  I have a very short window between getting off work and going to bed. 

The keyboard did come with a promo code where I can get three free months to a website that offers instructional videos.  If I can learn on my own, with those videos and book, I might not need a teacher.  We'll see.

I'm going to try to keep up with my guitar, too.  I made a rule that I have to practice my guitar at least 10 minutes before I can play the piano.  I did that today, and found myself strumming faster and faster, as if I could make that 10 minutes go by so I could get back to my piano.  But, starting tomorrow, it's got to be good, quality practice, not just rushing through so I can get through. 

Oh, and Cody texted me this afternoon.  He got the job at the car dealership!  He starts July 2, so today has been a good day all around. 

Now, if you will excuse me, I've got a piano to learn how to play! 

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