In other news, it's the last day of July, and after the little break we had last week, summer is back in full force. But there is hope on the horizon.
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Gymnastics And Heat.
In other news, it's the last day of July, and after the little break we had last week, summer is back in full force. But there is hope on the horizon.
Monday, July 29, 2024
Anyway, I managed to finish another hat,
and cast on a new one while doing all that TV watching.
I've got enough ready to send, but since my printer is still on the fritz, I may have to contact the SCI to send me some.
Speaking of work, I had a day off today to to my doctor for a follow up about my pre-diabetes. I suppose I should call it insulin resistance, because my A1C has never really been high enough to be considered pre-diabetic. It's close, but not quite there.
Overall, he was pleased with my progress, and my bloodwork showed my A1C was down to 5.8, so apparently I'm doing something right. I showed him the daily glucose readings and he said they weren't too bad, but optimal fasting glucose is around 80. We talked about exercise and how important it is. I said I have good intentions, but right now it's just too hot when I get off work and because I have to be there so early, I can't very well go before. He suggested I do squats throughout the day, so I'm going to try that, at least until it cools off some. Like in September.
He also said I was down 8 pounds from my last visit in April. I was surprised by that. I knew I'd lost some weight, but not that much. I'm not actively trying to lose weight; it's just coming naturally with healthier eating. We also talked about Christmas and how that's where I struggle. Every year, I always say I'm not going to go crazy with the sugar, but every year, I go crazy with the sugar. Eleven months out of the year, I'm fine, but when those Cherry Cordial kisses and egg nog hit the shelves, I totally lose control. I've googled and there are plenty of sugar free egg nog recipes, but those kisses....they're my Achilles heel.
I'd had every intention of driving out to the lake after my appointment and walking a Pokémon Go route, but it was already starting to get hot, so I figured I'd better come home and mow before the heat dome settles in. I got the front and side yards done, but the back will have to wait. If I can ever get a fence guy to come out and put up my privacy fence, I won't be worrying about the back at all. I'll mow it when I feel like it.
Nope, I still haven't heard back from Bulldawg fencing. I'm thinking I might have to take my friend's advice and go through Lowe's. I wonder if I can use my veteran's discount for fence materials. I don't remember there being any restrictions.
And finally, I've been going through my old t-shirts and tossing the ones that need to be tossed. That is, the ones with holes in them. I'm keeping the ones that the design is just faded, as long as the neck isn't frayed or there aren't any holes. Today, it's the shirt on the left that's going to the great beyond.
Friday, July 26, 2024
Random Thoughts 💭 Of A Friday Evening
5. So far, my makeshift scarecrow seems to be working on my one remaining sunflower, which is to say that nothing has ripped holes in the cheesecloth and eaten the seeds yet.
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Dear Coworker
Yes, my hand touched yours, but I can assure you it was accidental incidental contact as we both reached for the door handle at the same time.
I was not agreeing to marry you, so there is no need to get so excited. Calm down there, buddy. It ain’t happening.
Thank you
That is all
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Prime Day And Birthdays
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Dang, Again!
I put what's left of the flower in a vase of water, hoping the seeds will go ahead and ripen, but I don't know. We'll have to see. Meanwhile, I put some cheesecloth around the last sunflower I have left and soaked it with NEEM oil. Maybe that will stink enough to keep away whatever keeps getting my seeds.
Monday, July 22, 2024
Could have been birds, or squirrels, or even the deer. Or maybe that raccoon I saw a few weeks back.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Quiet Weekend
I liked the recipe I found, because you measure the spices and stuff directly into the jars before adding the peppers, so you don't have to estimate how much of the spice mixture you need to mix up. The original recipe said it made four half-pint jars, but I had enough peppers for six, so that took the guesswork out of mixing up those spices. I did have to adjust the vinegar mixture, but that wasn't any big deal, once I knew how many jars I'd need.
Into the canning bath they went, and fortunately I found a recipe that gave step by step directions on how to do a proper water bath, so I think I got that part right this time. It said once I got them out of the water to leave them alone for 12 to 24 hours, so that's where they sit.
I tried to print some labels this afternoon, but my printer is messing up. I've tried to do the head cleaning thing like ... four times, and it's helped but hasn't completely solved the problem. I've also changed out two of the ink cartridges, so that's not it. I finally got frustrated and gave up for a while. I'll try to figure it out later. Like maybe tomorrow.
Alas, now I'm out of stuff to can, and that's too bad, because I think I'm hooked.
I used to have a canning pot years and years ago, back when Cody was little. James and Beverly had some pear trees in their yard, and I canned some of those every year, until the poison ivy got too thick and the trees stopped producing. Maybe once I get my new fences up, I can plant something that will bear something I can can.
By the way, someone came out and looked at the house next door -- the one that's up for sale. I was outside checking on my sunflowers when they drove up. That's the only reason I knew someone had come by. I don't know if they've come before and were just taking a second look or what, but they only stayed about ten minutes. That house doesn't have central air and only has one bathroom, and the kitchen seriously needs updating. They've already dropped the price once, and I'm thinking they may need to drop the price even more before it'll sell.
On a similar note, the fence guy is supposed to come Tuesday. I'm going to get the privacy fence on that side first, because that's the side I feel most exposed on. That was always the plan. I was just waiting until I didn't have any dogs to put it into action.
I didn't do much else today, other than watching TV, knitting, and trying to get some rest. I'm almost ready to begin the crown decreases on this one.
I'd thought about going back to the lake this morning, but I didn't make it. Maybe tomorrow...
Friday, July 19, 2024
An Unexpected Day Off
They seemed to do OK, and all the lids have popped again, so I'm guessing they're now shelf stable for a while. At least I hope they are. I don't want to be poisoning my child and siblings for Christmas!
I got a good many, but the birds got about 60% of them. Oh, well...the irony of that is, I was saving the other seeds I'd gotten from some of the other varieties to feed to them this winter. If only they would have waited.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
What A Night!

I remember when I first moved here, it was a really nice place. It had a clothing shop on the ground floor and a couple of apartments on the upper floor. I seem to remember a couple of Juliet balconies on the windows as well.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Dang It!

I don't know if they're just taking a break, or if they plan on leaving a little tree line back there. I'm hoping the latter -- at least until I can finish getting the yard fenced. The doe and her fawn are still hanging around for now, but I haven't seen any of the other deer. I kind of expect them to move on, too, once the baby is a little older.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Almost Gone
I know there aren't that many in there, but there are several more on the bush...plant...whatever it is... that are almost ready to harvest. I'm going to add peppers as they ripen, which is why I only filled it halfway with the vinegar. And this time, I decided to use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar. One of the recipes I looked up called for it, so I thought I'd try it. I'll have to see which one Cody likes best.
Sunday, July 14, 2024
How On Earth
How on Earth did my day off go by so fast? And more importantly, why can't work days go by this fast?
It all started yesterday evening when I was mowing and I thought to myself, "Boy I'll bet all this walking is using up all my blood sugar." Then when I got up this morning and checked, my fasting glucose was 87. In other words, normal.
Exercise, then. Exercise is the key to keeping it low. I have to start getting more of that exercise stuff. The problem is, after a 10 hour shift and in this summer heat, I just don't want to go walking or anything. However, I think I might have found myself a motivator.
I have discovered Pokemon Go Routes. There are a few out by the lake, so this morning before it got too hot, I drove out there with the intention of walking one, and putting a few more of my Pokemon into gymns while I was there. Neither of those went as planned.
Apparently, Sunday mornings are raid days here in the ol' G-Town. Every single gym I drove by had a raid going on. I only managed to slip one single Pokemon into one just at the last minute before the raid started. Now, I have no idea what raids are or how to do them. I'm only just figuring all the stuff going on with this game.
Even so, I went to the route I wanted to walk...only I couldn't figure out how to start it in the app. I walked it anyway, so I got the exercise, but it didn't count towards a route badge. I did find a few new Pokemon to add to my Pokedex, though, so it wasn't a total loss. By the way, I came home and looked up on YouTube how to start a route, so next time, I'll be ready.
Then I took a shower, and watched TV for the rest of my day of rest. Oh, and there was also knitting.
The only other thing I did today was to get my tabasco peppers started fermenting.
The problem with that was, all the recipes I found called for either a pound of tabasco peppers, which I don't have anywhere near that many, or five ounces of peppers. Five ounces? How the heck many is that? I had no idea, so I just cut up what I had -- well, what was ripe that is.
Then there were the recipes themselves. Some said to ferment them in water, then add the vinegar mix later. Others said to ferment them in vinegar. Some called for apple cider vinegar -- which I was going to do, but didn't have that much left -- and others called for white wine vinegar, or rice vinegar or some other such stuff.
I ended up just winging it. I cut up what I had, put them into a jar, and added salt and vinegar. I even bought sea salt for the occasion.
I figure after the fermenting process, I'll just puree the peppers then add back the vinegar until it seems the right consistency. I don't know. Cody is the pepper person. I don't think I'm going to fool with tabasco peppers next year.
Saturday, July 13, 2024
Friday, July 12, 2024
Seriously, go check out the tracks from hurricanes during years there wasn't an eclipse, and you'll see what I mean.
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
A New Thing
Apparently they're trying this new thing out at don't know what they're trying to do. Right now, it's only on one line -- as far as I know--, and I don't know if they're going to make it plant wide or not.
So what is this new thing, you ask? Well, I'll tell you.
If the line doesn't meet its production goal by 1:00, they get to go home early.
Let me say that again for those of you who are as dumfounded as I am.
If the assembly line doesn't meet its production goal by 1:00, they get to go home early.
They get to go home early.
Excuse me, what?????
If they don't meet their production goals, they get rewarded by getting off early -- and since they came in at 5:00, they'll still get 8 hours. Who on Earth thought that that would be a good idea?
If you are going to reward non-productivity, then don't you dare stand there and act all surprised when productivity drops. What did you think would happen?????
I don't understand that place. I do not understand that place at all.
Tuesday, July 09, 2024
So Shines A Good Deed
What I did do was to sell one of my old aquariums. I was cruising Facebook yesterday evening checking on hurricane damage in my hometown and surrounding area when I saw a post in one of the local groups. A girl was looking for a tank for her bearded dragon. I messaged her and told her I had an old 40 gallon, and quoted her a price.
She said she'd take it, and offered me an extra $10 to bring it to her, so right after work that's exactly what I did. We ran into a little snag when I couldn't remember my Paypal password, so we had to use CashApp. I'd downloaded it last year, but had never used it, so it was actually her friend who took both of our phones and did the transaction for us.
I'm such a Luddite. And a Boomer at that. I'm a Boom-a-Ludd!
Don't ask. Even I don't know...
Nevertheless, the money changed hands -- or phones, rather -- and the girl's bearded dragon will soon have a roomy new home.
Since I had to drive through the lake to deliver the tank, I stopped and dropped off a Pokemon in a gym at the basketball courts. Apparently, I'm on Team Mystic, so I can just put one into a gym controlled by my team without having to battle anything, which is good. I'm still figuring out this whole gym thing, but apparently you have to put Pokemon into them to earn coins -- or else spend real money, which isn't going to happen.
Oh, and for those of you who may be wondering, no I didn't drive literally through the lake. That's just a local colloquialism for driving though the area controlled and maintained by the Corps Of Engineers.
And finally, this is Shark Week, and I've been so busy these last couple of days, I've hardly been able to watch any episodes, so I think I'll get off here and do just that.