Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Poison Ivy

My thanks to all of you who expressed sympathy over my plight -- or should I say my blight -- with poison ivy.

I also appreciate the suggestions from those of you who seemed to think I'd never encountered poison ivy before and was huddled in the corner whimpering and wondering what to do about it.

I got news for you.  This ain't my first rodeo.  And believe me, everything you recommended I've tried before...except for the one of you who told me to go to the hospital and get a shot.  Um, no.  I am not rushing myself to the emergency room for this:

Annoying, yes, but hardly life threatening. 

Anyway, I've been around this block before, and I know once the blisters form, there is nothing for me to do but to ride it out. 

And maybe invest in a Hazmat suit...

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