Friday, May 04, 2018

Star Wars Day

Since I had to work today, I'm going to start my Star Wars movie marathon tomorrow.  Good thing I finally got around to buying a universal remote, huh?

I was going to get it the other day, after I'd turned my boxes in, but I didn't.  I started to veer into that left turn lane to go to Wal-mart, but I said, "Eh, I'm tired.  I'll just walk across the living room for the next three days." 

Since I had to go on my regular weekly shopping trip, I got one today.  I chose the one with the big buttons.  Because I'm clumsy like that.  When I got it home, I discovered I was able to program it to control my DVD/Blu-Ray player and my Roku stick, too.  Cool!  I can reduce some of the clutter on my end table! 

I have one more day of work before I can start my Star Wars marathon, so in the mean time, I'll just share this awesome video from that awesome hunk of pure awesomeness who used to be my imaginary boyfriend before he married someone who is not me. 

BTW, I will be watching the original unedited, un remastered, unruined 1977 theatrical release in which Han shot first.

Oh, and this one:

Happy Star Wars Day! 

May The Fourth Be With you.

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