Monday, May 07, 2018

Changes For The Better

Today was the day.

I mentioned before that they were moving the sub-brazers off the lines and back into our own work area.  Today was the day that went live.

I just said something went live.  I must not be as much of a Luddite as I thought.

Luddite or no, today was the day.  It finally happened.  We sub brazers are back into our own little area, with our own group leader, and our own supervisor -- neither of whom were at work today.  Be that as it may, once the dust all settles and things get lined out, it's going to be so much better.  I'm one of the old school brazers who remembers when we were together before.  Ever since they broke us up and put us on the lines, we've been clamoring for them to un do that change.  Today, our dreams came true.  We are off the assembly lines!


My biggest concern about the move was what would keep these assembly line group leaders from looking at us as an extra floater pool and coming and getting us any time they needed someone on the line.  That concern was settled first thing this morning.  One of the line group leaders came over and tried to pull a brazer to work on his line.  Boss man said, "They're over here, now, and they're going to stay over here."  Group leader hung his head and walked back to his line very much chagrined.

Nobody has come right out and said it, but I have a feeling that's why we got moved off the lines in the first place.  Boss man got tired of walking around and seeing his brazers doing everything but brazing.   A fully trained Level 2 brazer with 20+ years of experience is one of the highest paid employees on the shop floor -- and yet, I was spending more time doing temp level work than brazing. No more!  Hallelujer!  Praise da Lort!

Another change is that we are no longer assigned to a specific line.  We braze whatever is ready.  We still have to work out the particulars of that -- how to figure out what is needed next and not be brazing orders that are way down the schedule.  I'm sure we'll work out a system over time, but today was pretty hectic.  Still, as chaotic and unorganized as this first day was, I never once felt stressed out.  I got a little aggravated with one particular group leader who kept coming into our area and badgering us about orders, but I wasn't alone in that.  Boss man finally had a long discussion with her and her supervisor, and they stopped worrying us.  Once we start getting a little bit ahead, that ought not be a problem.

There is only one thing I don't like about our new work area.  Now, don't get me wrong, I love being off the lines and all together again, but I don't like the way the area is set up.  I don't know why they've got us so squshed up.  I mean, they've really got us jammed up in there like sardines.  We're so close together it's a safety hazard.  Where I work, I'm standing practically on top of my neighbor's striker.  When we were over there before, we were much more spread out.  I don't know why they didn't do it that way this time.   I'll bet the first time someone accidentally gets set on fire, they'll change things.

Now if we can only get them to go back to the good gas and the good rod...

But enough about work.  I've got lots going on in my wildflower bed.

My roses are starting to bloom.

As are the moss roses.

And my mystery plant turned out to be the viola that I'd long thought was dead.

I don't expect it to last much longer, though.  This Mississippi heat will get it for sure.

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