Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Weekend

So, here I sit, on what -- if scuttlebutt around the plant is true -- will be my last Saturday off for a long, long time.  I made myself a long list of things I wanted to get done today, and was determined not to sit around watching TV all day.  I think I did OK.  I didn't get everything done, but I made pretty good progress. 

First order of business was to spit in my little tube and get my AncestryDNA test into the mail.  Now, we wait 6 to 8 weeks to get the results.  After I'd put the box into the mail, I began second guessing myself.  Maybe I didn't get enough spit in there.  Maybe I didn't tighten the lid down well enough.  Did that stabilizing fluid really release into the spit?  What if the box comes open and my tube falls out!  They're supposed to send me a notification when they receive my sample, and I'll probably fret until it arrives.

Next on the agenda was to put mulch down in my flower beds.   I had two bags left over from last year, so I knew it wouldn't be enough to do the whole bed, but I figured I'd put down what I have.  I got the moss roses done,

and this much of the other bed before I ran out.  I'll get some more sometime this week. 

Everything has perked up over the last few days, now that they're getting over their transplant shock.  My moss roses are starting to bloom,

And look!  I've got things coming up in my wildflower bed!

The fun part is you never know what is going to grow.  Oh, they have the varieties listed on the packet, but I never read that, so I don't know what I'm going to get.

My Fuchsias are opening.

The purple and red blooms remind me of that red hat poem

My poor, pathetic looking gardenia is trying to put out new leaves.

But this...this move broke the cat's heart.

She had taken to sleeping on that bottom shelf.  I'd even moved the plants off so she'd have more room, but the day finally came when I moved the stand and its resident plants back outside.   Why yes, that IS a bud on one of my Christmas cacti.  It's why I call it a Whatever Cactus.

Finally, I got a new bath towel from Wal-Mart.

I like to wrap myself in the towel and dry with the ends.  It's so hard to find towels without that hard, rough strip in them.   I finally found one.  It doesn't exactly match my bathroom, but I don't care. 

Now, I want to go take a bath, just so I can dry with it. 

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