Monday, June 19, 2006

Hot Stuff

Actual temperature: 93'
Humidity: 52%
Heat index: 100'

I can't figure out how to put the picture up like Buck does. So I just gotta tell ya. But whether in pictures or words, it's just plain HOT.

Speaking of hot, the subject of love has come up a quite bit on the blogosphere lately.

It's funny how your priorities change as you get older. When you're 12 or 13, experiencing your first little case of puppy love, all you care about is:

1. Is he cute?
2. Is he cool?

As you get a little older, say around 15 or 16, you get a little more depth to your expectations. By that age, what you care about is:

1. Is he cute?
2. Is he cool?
3. Does he have his own car?

By the time you're my age, the questions you ask are totally different. My list is as follows:

1. Is he emotionally stable?
2. Is he financially stable?
3. Does he have a good work ethic?
4. Will he provide for his family, or sit around on him bum drinking beer all day expecting me to support him?
5. Are his religious and moral values compatible with mine?
6. Are his family values compatible with mine? Will he spend time with his family, or hide out in bars or sit in front of the TV not wanting to be bothered?
7. Will he accept my son as his own and never throw it back in my face that I cannot give him more children?
8. Will he support my dreams and passions, and share his own dreams and passions with me?
9. When problems do arise, will he attempt to solve them in a calm and constructive manner, or will he resort to personal attacks? When he gets angry, will he constantly drag up stuff I did before I even met him?
10. Is he a man of integrity and character?

Cute and cool just don't figure in any more...


Today is my brother Scott's birthday. He is 35. Scott was a stinker when he was a kid. You know how when you get into trouble, your parents call you by your full name? Scott Andrew!!! Scott was such a stinker that dad often had to add a few names to his. When he was really being a stinker, his name became Scott Andrew Lee Wright Gunstream!!!!


Bake sales are sure different from when I was coming up. We used to bring dimes and quarters and you could get three cookies for a dime, brownies or cupcakes for a quarter, or cake by the slice for 10-25 cents depending on how big the slice was. All lovingly made from scratch by moms who were involved in their childrens' lives.

Yesterday, I paid $15.00 for a cake made from a mix, covered with frosting from a can.

My how times have changed.


Bag Blog said...

I knew I was in love when Toby laughed at my silly jokes and he made me laugh too. Next week marks 29 yrs of marriage.

I, too, have a stinker brother. Dad never called any of us by our full names when we were in trouble, but he did say that he was glad that he did not kill Pete when he was young, because he made a good man.

Buck said...

Isn't it interesting how our relationship criteria change? Your list and mine are quite similar, Becky, although "cute" does carry a few points with me. Well, at my age, it ain't cute, as much as it's attractive. I AM male, after all.


Lou: This past Saturday would have been TSMP and my 28th anniversary. Congrats on your upcoming 29th. That's a long time, and I'm sure the time has just flown by...

Buck said...

I can't figure out how to put the picture up like Buck does. So I just gotta tell ya.

Do you have an image management app, Becky? I use ACDSee ($49.95), but Picassa is free and may (I don't know for sure) have much the same capabilities as ACDSee.

ACDSee has an "acquire" function that lets you capture screen shots as jpgs. I capture the Weather Channel site's screen, save the pic, open it in editor, crop it to a manageable size (no more than 410 pixels wide) and then upload to Blogger. The whole process takes less time than it took me to write this (once you've done it once or twice).

I found the ACDSee's $49.95 price pretty reasonable since I do a lot of digital photography. I've heard Picassa is a very good's an "Editor's Choice" (their highest rating) at PC Mag.

Buck said...

open it in editor, crop it to a manageable size (no more than 410 pixels wide)

Left out a step. It should say...

...Open it in editor, crop the portion of the screen shot I want (i.e., the box with temp, humidity, wind speed, etc.), resize the pic (no more than 410 pixels wide)...

Sorry about that! A classic disconnect between fingers and brain...

Becky G said...

Lou, congrats on your 29th. My poor marriage didn't even make it to the first.

Buck, just to clarify--I suppose cute does count for a little. However, cuteness is not the only thing I want to base a relationship on. It isn't even in the top ten. If he's a good man and treats me right, he doesn't have to look like--uh, who is the current heartthrob these days? Just so long as the thought of him touching me doesn't make my stomach turn, he'll be ok. I agree with you, though. It's an attractiveness rather than looks. SOMETHING about the man has to attract me to him, and it doesn't have to be his physical appearance.

Thanks for the info about the photo stuff. I don't have any program like those. I may try out that free one. Tomorrow, though...