Now for some better news, I got home and Slider was out and about in his tank. I was able to get a better picture of him, and here it is.
keeps the doctor away, or so they say, but I don't believe it.
I forgot to post my weight yesterday--134 on my home scale. It reads about 6 pounds lighter than the scale at work, so I'm going to go by that one from now on.
Today marks my 11 years at my current job. It was only supposed to be a temporary job to build up my savings, but it didn't work out that way.
Yesterday we were watching Dr Phil, and the show was on bridezillas. I said something about them needing to lighten up, those little imperfections are what makes a wedding...fun! Cody replied, "Weddings aren't supposed to be fun! Well, I guess the groom has fun. He gets to kiss the bride."
The reptile board told ME that I shouldn't be talking politics on the board. Typical Europeans--all honorary moonbats. You can only speak if you agree with them. I think I'm about done with that board. I've left it before, but keep going back because they are the only ones with an active kingsnake forum. I don't think I'll go back this time, though. Even the snake talk is rude, insulting, immature and inflamatory.
Israel is not a state in the United States. It is an independent country of its own, as is England. Neither is a part of the US, nor will they ever be.
I am in Europe depending upon your point of view, because I am in the United Kingdom or Great Britain which is theoretically still in Europe last time I looked. Though I am begining to suspect we are the 52nd state of the United States of America.
Huh? Did I miss something? Did we get a new state while I wasn’t looking? The US has 50 states--that would make Great Britain the 51st in your metaphor.
Trust me when I tell you that you did indeed miss something. The 51st State already exists it has done for the past 53 odd years. So Britain would indeed be the 52nd state!
Uh, no. There are only 50 states. The last state admitted to the US was Hawaii, which became a state August 21, 1959. It is the 50th state. There are no more.
I got curious about this 51 vs 50 state debate. I live in Canada, but I am sure that I have read and/or heard that there are 51 states. So I googled it, and for those who are wondering, it is 50 states AND the District of Columbia. That doesn’t count as a State.
I’m not American, but I was tought in school about the 50 states of the U.S.
Neither this squirrel nor the groundhog saw his shadow today. I guess that means we won't have six more weeks of winter, but hey, we haven't really had a winter this year anyway. I've got flowers blooming in my front yard! See yesterday's post for a lovely photograph of some yellow daffodils.
I'm a bit aggravated at sensei today. I guess he just doesn't realize how much his playing favorites hurts his classes. See, James got his san-kyu in November 2003. That is third grade brown belt, for those that don't know. I got my san-kyu in August of 2004. Barrett got his san-kyu tonight, and Josh just got his purple belt. Purple is the rank right before san-kyu. Yet sensei is saying that Josh and Barrett will probably test for shodan before the end of the summer! By the end of the summer, I will have been a brown belt for two years, and he is going to let them go through all three grades of brown--and purple for Josh--in 8 months. James has been a brown belt for more than two years already. Even Mr Tedder spent a year and a half at brown belt. Barrett has only been training for two years total, and Josh for just over a year. And sensei is going to let Josh get his shodan after only 18 months of training? Hardly seems fair to me.
Another thing...I've been teaching since I was a blue belt, even leading entire classes, yet neither Barrett nor Josh has taught at all. When I made brown belt, sensei told me that a big part of my promotions from then on would be based on how well I can teach proper technique, not just perform it. So will them two start teaching? Somehow I doubt it.
If this weren't the only dojo in town, I'd have quit a long time ago.