Wednesday, December 06, 2023


I don't know why my life feels so hectic.  I don't do anything but go to work, come home and tend to the needs of a very demanding cat, then go to bed -- only to do it all again tomorrow.  I blog a bit, maybe watch a little TV, play the piano....that's it.  So, my life shouldn't feel hectic, yet it does.  

In that spirit, I have lots to talk about, but I'll spare you some of it, or you'd be reading a novel.  Work stuff can wait until I don't have anything to say...Now you have something to look forward to. 

So, let me catch you up on the internet data situation.  I'd mentioned that I'd figured out how to switch Hulu to a lower resolution to save data, and I'd already done it on my Kindle and my computer.  Alas, when I tried to switch that setting on my Roku, I discovered that it wasn't an option there.  I even went to the main Roku settings and...nothing.  The only setting they had to reduce bandwidth use is the one where they cut your streaming off if you don't use your remote in 4 hours.  Bummer.

Naturally, I did what any red-blooded American would do.  I found my old Fire Stick and hooked it up.  Then I had to log in to a kajillion different things, but I finally got there.  Wonder of wonders, they had a setting to reduce streaming resolution.  I switched it from Best to Good, then watched an episode of Kitchen Nightmares and really couldn't tell the difference.  So that problem is solved for now.  

I'm still using my phone data to stream my cheesy Hallmark movies for now, because I want to make sure to save enough bandwidth to watch the Army-Navy game Saturday. Oh, they won't cut me off, but I'd hate to get to the end of my data and they add another 100 G on the last day of my billing cycle.  Clearly, I'm overthinking this.

OK, moving right along...

Remember the storage box I'd ordered for my Christmas tree?  It arrived right on time Saturday morning, but I didn't get it put together until yesterday.  As you can see, it's plenty big enough.  Couch included for scale. 

It was pretty easy to put together and despite being very lightweight, it's surprisingly sturdy.  I sat on it, and it didn't even flinch.  It didn't buckle, bow, or wiggle in the slightest.  One of the rollers was missing, but since I don't intend to move it anyway, I'm not too worried about that.  

This afternoon, I carried it out to the shed, and compared it to the original tree box, and I think the tree should fit just fine.  

I might even have room for some of my wreaths and garland in there.  Best part is, they'll be completely safe from both chewing rodents and the weather.  

In other news, I came home to a surprise in the mail!  An old schoolmate of mine has sent me a completely unexpected Christmas gift!  I was good.  I wrapped it and put it under the tree with the other gifts to be opened on Christmas morning.  

I still haven't figured out who sent the anonymous gift, so if it was you, I'd like to know so I can thank you properly.  By the way, I've had that Frosty wrapping paper for years, but I hadn't wanted to use it.  This year, I thought to myself, "What am I saving it for anyway?  I'm going to wrap presents in it, by golly!"  And I am.  

OK, I  know you're probably tired of hearing me talk about those woods they're clearing, but I noticed something when I was poking around on Google Earth.  See that diagonal line there?  

 Just judging by what I can see from ground level, it seems they've stopped clearing right along that diagonal line, which makes me wonder if it's a property line, or some other sort of boundary.  But, as I've said before, I don't know if they're going to stop clearing, or keep on going until they get the whole lot done.  And of course, there is the mystery of what they're going to do with the land....Enquiring minds want to know...

And finally, today's advent figure is Joseph, Mary's husband and Jesus' Earthly father.  

And the scripture verse is Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of David.  Luke 2:4

You know, a lot of the focus is on Mary and her obedience to God's will, and rightfully so, but we would be terribly remiss if we didn't also think about what Joseph went through.  I mean, can you imagine what he must have thought?  How he must have felt?  

It's important to remember the culture of the day, as well.  Joseph could have had Mary tried, convicted, and stoned to death, but he didn't -- even before the angel appeared to him in the dream.  He was a kind man with a good heart.  And, of course, after the dream, he chose to be faithful to God...and to Mary.  He chose to endure the scorn and the ridicule and yes, even the possibility of being outcast himself.  Because he, like Mary, believed God had a purpose for this child.  

Joseph definitely deserves more credit than most people give him.  May he be an example to all men everywhere. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

For me the days feel like they are zooming. I wonder if it's because I'm busy with work stuff, or because of it getting dark so soon. The time change is kicking my butt.

Glad to hear you were able to lower the resolution on all your apps. It will save you a lot of data.

The storage box looks like a good one.